Michele Emiliano to parents: “Avoid sending children to school”


Alessandro Bianchi / Reuters

The president of the Puglia Region, Michele Emiliano, invites the parents of the students: “I make my own the appeal of pediatricians: avoid sending children to school in presence, this is safer for both children and for public health. Choose dad, if possible, and from home, although with all the limits, try to do everything possible, until the epidemiological data drops.

The Apulian governor’s appeal comes after the TAR’s ruling that suspended the regional ordinance which provided for the closure of primary and secondary schools. After the sentence, Emiliano had issued a new ordinance with which he left the families full freedom to use father or not.

Last night Emiliano had already expressed a similar concept on his Facebook profile: “The possible choice not to send your children to school is legitimate even when a sentence is imposed on you alleging that it is not possible to insure your father” . . Don’t be submissive and defend your reasons with determination. The protection of the health of minors only corresponds to the parents or whoever takes their place ”, read a post. “You have to be patient, because it is not easy for anyone, not even schools, to manage the pandemic and organize a teaching method that involves complex media preparation and staff reorganization. It hurts me what some schools will have to face (many others have worked well and already have a perfect dad), but it is normal that they have some problems organizing distance education ”.
