Pierced by metal pipes lost by the truck in front of him, the trucker dies at the wheel in Treviso


Dramatic accident when absurd in the last hours along the roads of the Treviso area, in Veneto, where a trucker died after being crossed by some metal bars that went through the windshield while at the wheel of his vehicle. The drama at dawn today, Monday, November 9, in the territory of the municipality of Treviso. The victim is a 62 year old carrier originally from San Donà di Piave, in the metropolitan city of Venice. The accident around 6.30am on the San Giuseppe flyover, along Strada Noalese. As reported by the Fire Department, for reasons that have yet to be clarified, a truck located in front of the victim’s vehicle lost a load of pipes and other materials that ended up right in the 62-year-old man’s truck.

By speed scrap broke the windshield of the man-driven refrigerated truck, smashed the glass and got stuck in the passenger compartment, even piercing the truck driver who couldn’t find his way out. For the man, the rescue by the Treviso firefighters, the Suem 118 and the local Treviso police who then rushed to the scene was futile. The firefighters took him out of the cabin with great difficulty, freeing him from the iron bars with the help of electric scissors, but unfortunately when they entrusted him to the health personnel, they could do little for him. In fact, the sixty-two-year-old’s death was determined on the spot. The findings of the accident have been entrusted to the local police, who must reconstruct the exact dynamics of the fatal accident and establish any responsibility for the incident. To allow medical assistance, examinations and the removal of the vehicle, the entire section of the road was closed for a time with serious traffic problems for a few hours.
