
“The beds are already saturated, the postponement of hospitalizations and interventions is already increasing mortality from oncological and cardiovascular diseases by 10%” and that is why “a pact is needed between institutions and citizens to rigorously apply the measures already adopted” because the collapse of hospitals “can only be avoided by cooling the growth of the epidemic curve.” This is what Walter Ricciardi, professor of Hygiene at Cattolica and consultant to the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza says in an interview with The impression according to which “we need real city closures and it is up to the governors to proclaim them. I see too many people still walking the streets. In the big cities, I think especially of Milan, Genoa, Turin and Naples, we have to act decisively and do it soon” . As for the division into risk bands, Ricciardi recalls that it is “the last attempt before being forced to drop the national confinement card that nobody would like to have to play. And in order not to waste this opportunity, it is good that the Regions collaborate. “
Ricciardi also recalls that the situation in hospitals “is a disaster. In many regions hospitalizations and surgeries are being postponed. When we say to postpone elective interventions that require postoperative in intensive care, we are talking about heart valve replacements or demolition of oncological operations. For stop tumors. Already today mortality from cardiovascular and oncological diseases has increased by 10% “, he emphasizes.
Regarding the arrival of the vaccine, Minister Speranza’s consultant recalls that “we are a bit late because the data from the expanded phase 3 human trial have not yet arrived, nor from the AstraZeneca vaccine, scheduled for October, nor the data from Pfizer.” that were supposed to arrive this week. In the best of hypotheses – concludes Ricciardi – Ema, the European Medicines Agency, will be able to authorize the commercialization in the first months of 2021. That will continue to be a tough battle. Then between vaccines, new ones The care and effect of the measures taken in autumn should see the light. But getting out of the tunnel will take a good part of next year ”.