Ministry, ANIEF, CISL and FLCGIL have signed the complementary contract for distance education. The Ministry has released a note giving indications based on the text of the agreement reached with the unions. They have not signed UIL, GILDA, SNALS
The text of the ministerial note
Hours of service
Based on article 2, teachers are obliged to respect their own service hours, even in the event that time units of less than 60 minutes have been adopted, with eventual recoveries, and to services related to the exercise of the teaching profession. in the manner prescribed by the DDI Plan. In particular, the teacher ensures performance in synchronous mode to the class group or to limited groups of students in the class, integrating these activities in an asynchronous mode to complete the weekly working day, based on the provisions of the DDI Plan. The electronic register is used to record the attendance of staff and students (Article 5). The teacher keeps union rights intact, including participation in union assemblies during working hours, which can be carried out with the same procedures as those used for distance education activities (Article 8). Regarding the functional activities for teaching, it should be noted that they are carried out in accordance with the annual calendar of activities, which can be revised according to specific situations, but which is an organizational tool aimed at guaranteeing the functionality of the institution, in his collegiate obligations, on the one hand; on the other, it guarantees the programming of the worker’s useful life. It is recalled the need, in accordance with article 1, paragraph 9, letter s) of the Prime Minister’s Decree of November 3, 2020, to hold the meetings of collegiate bodies remotely, without prejudice to the provisions of article 22 , paragraph 4, point c8. of CCNL 2016/18.
The teacher has the right to introduce, as far as possible in the didactic activity carried out in the presence, the opportune moments of pause during the lesson in DDI, also in function of the enhancement of the attention capacity of the students. This possibility is also provided if time units of less than 60 minutes have been adopted.
Workplace and tools
The school management, in compliance with the resolutions of the collegiate bodies within the DDI Plan, adopts, in any case, all organizational provisions aimed at creating the best conditions for the implementation of the regulatory provisions to protect the safety and health of the community, as well as for the provision of teaching in DDI, also authorizing non-face-to-face activity, and ensuring that in any case work performance is facilitated. On the general criteria for carrying out activities in DDI by the
Education and Training Education System Department
teachers, inside or outside the school, the RSU is informed.
As has already been underlined several times, subject to the need to guarantee adequate equipment for students, and taking into account that permanent staff can take advantage of the teacher’s letter, it is advisable that schools activate controls on the real and justified needs of the student. personal. Interim teacher, which can also be done through the free loan tool, in order to be prepared for any eventuality, also in accordance with the provisions of article 2, paragraph 1.
Special attention is paid, in accordance with the provisions of article 1, paragraph 1, to students with disabilities and, in general, to students with special educational needs, a term that, legally, does not only include students with disabilities or with specific disorders. of learning, but all those students, even non-graduates, for whom the right to education passes through the adoption of particular measures, aimed at overcoming objective obstacles to learning, on which the Departmental Note 1990/2020 gave indications.
Teaching staff in quarantine or in fiduciary isolation (QSA). Specs.
Likewise, by virtue of the provisions of article 4, section 2, of the Decree of October 19, 2020 of the Ministry of Public Administrations, the teacher who tested positive for Covid-19, if he is expressly in a condition of certified disease, does not will be able to perform job performance. For each different hypothesis, the aforementioned decree and, in particular, the hypothesis of the CCNI, in article 1, paragraph 3, govern the execution of remote work, always in relation to the condition of the class or classes of which it is found. the teacher himself. owner and organizational possibilities of educational institutions, to be verified by the school director with reference to real situations. The director, in the presence of personal or family organizational difficulties of the teacher in quarantine or fiduciary isolation, will also favor their overcoming by providing the necessary technological equipment on loan for their use.
Download contract hypothesis text
Joint declarations