Rome. Total closure, nationwide, to stop infections. To ask with a post on Facebook is the national president of the national federation of medical orders, Filippo Rings, “In light of the data, especially those of hospital admissions and intensive care.”
The same message had been launched in recent weeks by the president of the Genoese order. Alessandro Bonsignore that he had ruled out “compromise solutions.” And that today confirms: “We believe that the blockade of Genoa was essential for at least 15 days, and today we would see the first benefits ”.
Bonsignore on October 26 addressed the Genoese clearly: “We must behave as if there is a emergency shutdown: go out exclusively to go to work, avoiding contacts in every way, even with family and friends, thus limiting ourselves to the minimum necessary. We must have this civic sense of respecting others and making sure that the system can endure because it is in everyone’s interest ”.
The Minister of Health himself Roberto Speranza a Half an hour more in Rai3 he said that ‘it is not written in the sky where we will end but I see a consciousness that is not up to the moment we are living. Let’s go back to the spirit of March when people’s behavior made a difference“.
Regarding the national situation, There are 32,616 new cases of coronavirus positivity in the last 24 hours (7,195 less than yesterday). The victims are 331 (94 less than yesterday). 191,144 new swabs were made, about 40,000 fewer. It is constant however Il buffer / positive ratio, which remains at around 17%, as well as the increase in patients in intensive care remains stable.
Giuseppe Galano, responsible for 118 a, raised the alarm in Ansa Naples and coordinator of the regional emergency rescue network: “There are ambulance lines and private cars in all the hospitals in Naples, Cotugno, Cardarelli, Ospedale del Mare are all in total crisis in the reception of patients with Covid “. A Palermo Mayor Leoluca Orlando’s words are even clearer: “If what the media reported today about the lack of fundamental tools for caring for the sick and about the saturation of beds is true, we run the risk that in Palermo and throughout Sicily go to one slaughter Announced“.
And while Liguria awaits the possible passage to another area, despite the fact that the data from the latest report essentially confirms the situation of the previous week, South Tyrol becomes a red zone. “The epidemiological trend with constantly growing numbers and the increasing number of municipalities declared a red zone requires it. Now it is useless to apply two different measures, ”says Governor Arno Kompatscher, who will sign the ordinance in the next few hours.