Florence, November 9, 2020 – En Tuscany there are 65,190 cases of positivity Alabama Coronavirus, 2,244 more than yesterday (1,780 identified in the course of tracking and 464 from detection activities). New cases are 3.6% more than the total of the previous day. THE healed they grew 6.6% and reached 19,116 (29.3% of all cases).
I tampons operations reached 1,227,725, 13,690 more than yesterday. REVIEW THE DATA FOR SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8
7,135 subjects were tested (excluding control swabs), of which 31.5% it tested positive. To these are added the 1,269 rapid antigenic swabs that are carried out today. The current positives are 44,480 today, + 2.4% compared to yesterday. There are 1,776 hospitalized (76 more than yesterday), of which 234 in intensive care (8 more). Are registered 33 new deaths: 17 men and 16 women, with an average age of 82.4 years.
Average age of the 2,244 cases currently are around 45 years old (15% are under 20 years old, 24% between 20 and 39 years old, 35% between 40 and 59 years old, 19% between 60 and 79 years old, 7% are 80 years or older).
The case map
The following are the cases of positivity in the area with the change from yesterday. There are 19,304 cases in total to date Florence (701 more than yesterday), 5,655 a Meadow (188 more), 5,339 a Pistoia (191 more), 3,581 a Massa Carrara (114 more), 6,157 a. C. Lucca (156 more), 8,682 a Pisa (268 more), 4,690 a Livorno (169 more), 6,390 AD Arezzo (245 more), 2,794 a Siena (84 plus), 2,043 years Grosseto (128 more). 555 positive cases were reported in Tuscany, but residing in other regions. Therefore, there are 1,080 cases found today in the Central Local Health Authority, 707 in the Northwest, 457 in the Southeast. Tuscany ranks eighth in Italy in terms of the number of cases (including residents and non-residents), with around 1,748 cases per 100,000 inhabitants (the Italian average is around 1,549 per 100,000, yesterday’s figure).
Notification provinces with the high score am Meadow with 2,194 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, Pisa with 2,072, Florence with 1,909, the lowest Grosseto with 922.
House insulation
In total, 42,704 people are in isolation at home, due to presenting mild symptoms that do not require hospital care, or they are asymptomatic (957 more than yesterday, plus 2.3%). There are 35,496 (254 more than yesterday, plus 0.7%) people, also isolated, under active surveillance for having had contact with infected people (Asl Centro 12,200, Northwest 14,120, Southeast 9,176).
Another increase in hospitalizations, a boom in cured
People hospitalized In the beds dedicated to Covid patients today there are a total of 1,776 (76 more than yesterday, 4.5% more), 234 in therapy intensive (8 more than yesterday, plus 3.5%).
People as a whole heal There are 19,116 (1,178 more than yesterday, more 6.6%): 1,308 clinically cured (36 less than yesterday, less 2.7%), that is, they became asymptomatic after presenting clinical manifestations associated with the infection and 17,808 (1,214 more than yesterday, plus 7.3%) declared cured in all aspects, the so-called viral cures, with double negative swab.
33 deaths
Deri 33 new deceased, 17 are men and 16 are women, with an average age of 82.4 years. Regarding the province of residence, the deceased are: 10 a Florence, 2 a Pistoia, 5 a Pulp Carrara, 4 a Lucca, 1 to Pisa, 5 a Livorno, 4 a Arezzo, 1 to Grosseto, 1 resident outside of Tuscany.
1,594 have died since the beginning of the epidemic as follows: 589 in Florence, 85 in Prato, 118 in Pistoia, 214 in Massa Carrara, 175 in Lucca, 145 in Pisa, 100 in Livorno, 86 in Arezzo, 37 in Siena On February 28 in Grosseto, 17 people died on Tuscan soil but were residents outside the region. Tuscany’s crude death rate (number of deaths / resident population) for Covid-19 is 42.7 x 100,000 residents versus 68.6 x 100,000 for the Italian average (11th region). Regarding the provinces, the highest mortality rate is found in Massa Carrara (109.8 per 100,000), Florence (58.2 per 100,000) and Lucca (45.1 per 100,000), the lowest in Grosseto (12 , 6 per 100,000).
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