The beds of intensive care and gods Covid departments in Campania they get up suddenly, in a few hours, the name change runs the risk of becoming the subject of a judicial file. Because those numbers have determined, and will continue to do so, the location in the yellow zone with less risk of spread contagion, band that could soon change color with the update of the tracking of theHigher Institute of Health week reported between October 26 and November 2.
And so, various sources claim that the Naples prosecutor has access to a beacon on the data that the Region transmits to Ministry of Health. A file of information, without suspects or hypotheses of crime, that would be on the desk of the pm Mariella Di Mauro, former coordinator of various research activities onCovid emergency in Naples, from the anomalies of the obtaining about modular hospitals until the assumption scams around the administration of tampons of bad quality. A hypothesis that the judicial offices deny: “No initiative has been taken or announced,” the attorney general wrote in a note. Giovanni melillo.
The one from Naples would not be the first attorney to move in this area. A few days ago that of Genoa, where investigative sources have explained that a verification activity is being carried out on the data “and if they correspond to the reality of our territory”, after having seen the numerous images of patients in ambulance waiting hours before being able to access hospitals. Images that have also been seen in Naples: long lines of ambulances in front of theCardarelli Hospital, all’sea hospital from Ponticelli, to Cotugno, to Saint Leonardo from Castellammare di Stabia, inclined emergency room for hours due to precariously arranged Covid rooms, with makeshift dividers, through unsecured entry routes.
A situation that fights with the daily bulletins of theRegional Crisis Unit, who speak of ‘only’ 1,817 rooms busy with respect to 3,160 ‘available’including 186 in intensive care in 590 prepared. So the question is: if there are more than a thousand free places, why do you wait hours in front of hospitals before being hospitalized? Pay attention to the dates. the November 5th the beds reported by the Crisis Unit were 1,940 (and those of Ti 243), and they increased by about 1,200 in a single night, which appeared in the bulletin the following day. What does that mean? It’s all in the word “hover”, which for some time has replaced the word “available” in reports. A greater number of positions, therefore, a lower percentage of employees, improves performance fingers of 21 parameters considered by the ISS for the risk classification – yellow, orange, red – from each Region.
‘Activatable’ means that they exist on paper, whenever necessary, and in that case, to be effective and ready to receive those who need them, we should allocate more Medical staff me paramedic. The governor mentioned it Vincenzo De Luca in a few seconds of the Facebook live on Friday, when he explained that it is not possible to keep them all active at the same time for staff shortage. Basically, and pending clarification that could come from the ongoing investigations, the reports seem like a theoretical situation and not the actual number of usable beds at this time.
Meanwhile, this weekend the city has been divided in two, between anguish and lightness: lines of cars and ambulances in front of hospitals, thousands of people in Beach to sunbathe, or in pulmonary free to walk, regardless of the risk of contagion. The mayor of Naples Luigi of Magistris has decided not to adhere to De Luca’s call to close the streets of move, leaving open via Partenope me via Caracciolo, the streets of the boardwalk and the open air restaurants facing the sea, literally besieged. According to De Magistris, closing a road “does not make sense and, on the contrary, can cause a funnel effect in other places “and also” with the closures there is a risk that people see each other indoors where the danger of contagion it is greater ”than in outdoor places.
“You cannot blame the citizens who leave, and with the mask, because in the yellow zone there is no prohibition to go out just as it is absurd to invest a mayor with a decision that is useless ”, explained de Magistris. The mayor emphasizes that “they are people who walk, they are not meetings.” In other forums, de Magistris said perplexity me bewilderment by the inclusion of Campania in the yellow band, accompanied by the certainty that sooner or later it will fall into Red zone. The feeling is that almost everyone, from De Magistris to De Luca to the Ministry of Health, considers necessary forms of emergency shutdown most severe in Naples (yesterday 2,158 contagion of the 4,601 came from the metropolitan area), but each one thinks that it should be someone else who decides.
Restrictive measures that are also requested by nurses. “In light of the epidemiological situation, the increasing number of infections, gods alarming data provided by the hospital address, for breach of the prescriptions of the citizens, I ask on behalf of all the pediatric nurses and nurses of the Order of the Province of Naples more restrictive measures for the protection of public health and the safeguarding of our professional family “, says the president of the Neapolitan Order of Nurses, Ciro Carbone. “Enough with the bargain responsibility – is the appeal of the IPO – Policy plays the leading role that the Constitution assigns them. Now the risk is high ”.