
The advance of the Coronavirus in Campania: yesterday the region registered a new record in terms of infections in 24 hours, which were 4,601, compared, it must be said, to a new record also from the point of view of the swabs analyzed, which were 25,806. The contagion curve, therefore, does not stop in Campania, but rather continues its progression, to the point that, with the next report from the Higher Institute of Health, Campania could end up in the orange zone, if not red. The Government has reserved the right to decide in the coming days, allowing the local health authorities of the region to send all the updated data, in order to have a clearer and more complete picture of the epidemiological situation in the area.
Ricciardi: “Naples had to be the red zone”
If Campania runs the risk of becoming an orange zone soon, for Walter Ricciardi, a member of the World Health Organization and consultant to the Ministry of Health for the Covid emergency, Naples should have already been the red zone. Speaking about Rai Tre during Fabio Fazio’s “Che tempo che fa”, the Neapolitan doctor said: “We need a rapid intervention mechanism. In some metropolitan areas the blockade must be done immediately”, reiterating his view that Naples should have converted in the red zone two weeks ago.
In Cilento a closed town
Meanwhile a New Velia, a small town of three thousand souls in Cilento, in the province of Salerno, the mayor Adriano De Vita has decided to close everything until November 20: no one enters or leaves the municipality except for proven needs, while all shops, except tobacconists, pharmacies, drugstores and food stores, remain closed.
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