Covid, Campania, Veneto, Liguria, Tuscany, Umbria and Abruzzo, what changes. At 3 pm the control room with the ISS


Covid, Campania, Veneto, Liguria, Tuscany, Umbria and Abruzzo, what changes.  At 3 pm the control room with the ISS

COVID-19, from yellow to orange or worse still, red: today some Regions run the risk of changing status and becoming Red zone (OR orange) in the base report to dell ‘Iss. Campania, Veneto, Liguria me Tuscany, Umbria me AbruzzoIn fact, I’m waiting for the weekly report from theHigher Institute of Health which seems to announce changes to the tricolor map. Thus, while waiting for the Covid emergency control room which, after yesterday’s postponement at the request of some Regions, should meet today at 3:00 p.m., theSouth tyrol the red zone is proclaimed and the governors separate. All, President of Liguria, asks that politics, not an algorithm, decide. Echoes Marsilio, Governor of Abruzzo: “We play with colors and meanwhile the situation worsens”, while a voice outside the choir is that of Emiliano: «There is a situation from the epidemiological point of view that is quite worrying. I do not deny that when Puglia was declared an orange zone, I was quite happy because in this way we could better deal with the growth of these contagion».

“Total blockade”, doctors: intensive care to collapse

Covid, Galli: “Situation widely out of control”

Regions, which changes

Yellow, orange or red zone, there are many differences.

Yellow zone: keep being him Curfew from 10 pm to 5 am, closing of shopping centers on weekends, exhibition and museum stops, closure of gambling and betting corners, reduction of capacity in local public transport, 100% distance education for high school graduates.

Orange zone: It is not possible to leave the region and it is also forbidden to travel between the municipalities, while the bars and restaurants will remain closed all day.

Red zone: in addition to the measures provided for the rest of the areas, the shops are also closed, except for food and pharmacy, and you can only go out for proven work, health and necessities and to take the children to school. And it is tadorned self-certification, both to circulate in the areas with the most severe restrictions and for the rest of Italy after 10pm.

Bowl: “Good Bolzano in the red zone, responsible autonomy”

«The decision of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano to adopt new restrictions with respect to what was previously established is the exact photograph of the local autonomy regime in relation to the central power. I am grateful to President Kompatscher for the truthfulness and punctuality with which he informed the government of his legitimate decisions motivated by proven and transparent epidemiological data and analysis, ”the Minister of Regional Affairs and Autonomy Francesco Boccia said in a note. .

“The government will be close to Alto Adige and all those Regions and Provinces that,” he adds, “even within the criteria of autonomy, will respect the directives of the Government exactly as required by law. The government for its part will not hesitate even in the next few hours to question those measures that are not adequately motivated or do not go to the detriment of the norms that we have given ourselves to protect local communities. The law – concludes Boccia – is the same for everyone and the Constitution even more so ”.

Toti against the algorithm

“The situation cannot always be assessed based solely on figures. Here the Rt transmission index is lower than in other Regions, I think that in Report 26 we will be even lower than now. But it is true that a Genoa Even with a low Rt index there is strong pressure on hospitals, while in other provinces the Rt is higher but there is no particular suffering in health facilities. If we want to evaluate decisions perhaps at the local level to be more relaxed, let’s do it, but knowing that it is always about political elections. Putting everything in a cauldron that with an algorithm should give the perfect solution is impossible ”, says the president of the Liguria Region, Giovanni Toti, in an interview with Il Corriere della Sera.

Marsilio: “The situation worsens”

“We play with colors and meanwhile the situation worsens. The second wave of Covid seems to me stronger than the first, the patients are less serious but they increase dramatically. In Abruzzo we now count around 500 positives and 30 hospitalized per day. When the flu arrives, it will also be an irradiation. Thus the president of the Abruzzo Region, Marco Marsilio, who, in an interview with the Corriere della Sera affirms that, beyond his region becoming a red zone, “my real problem now is to create as many places as possible “. read Covid ». “Commissioner Arcuri’s delegation, however, arrived just 30 days ago – says Marsilio -. Although everything could be done this summer, when the intensive care units were empty and the extensions could be worked in peace in the hospitals. On the other hand, in Italy this summer there was only talk about discos. The government should have given us immediately in May, when it issued the emergency decree, the money to operate. This summer, with Civil Protection funds, I created 150 anti-Covid beds in Pescara and it is thanks to them that we are saving ourselves so far. Instead, here we continue with the Soviet method. But yes, that bureaucratic obsession of always wanting to plan everything. Meetings on meetings, ministers and scientists. But the five-year plans were made in the USSR and we have seen how it ended: the USSR failed.

Emiliano: “Worrying situation from the epidemiological point of view”

“There is a situation from the epidemiological point of view that is quite worrying. I do not hide the fact that when Puglia was declared an orange zone, I was quite happy because in this way we were better able to cope with the growth of these infections. It is now thought that infections can only be stopped if the healthcare system is properly prepared. This is not the case, having many beds as is the case in Puglia at the moment, does not mean lowering the number of infections, it only means facing all those who get sick. But if a lot of people get sick, even if you have the best hospitals in the world, you have a certain number of deaths. This is a mathematical function, it does not depend on the hospitals. And if you have bad hospitals, the dead are more numerous. The president of the Puglia Region, Michele Emiliano, said this in an interview with TGNorba.

“Total blockade”, doctors: intensive care to collapse

The latest alarm is from the Medical Order: there is no time to lose, a national closure is needed, the situation is out of control. Professor Walter Ricciardi, councilor of the Ministry of Health, guest of Che tempo che fa: “This is a foretold national tragedy.


Last updated: 11:10

