Ricciardi: “Tragic situation, immediately close some metropolitan areas”


ROME – The situation is dramatic, sometimes tragic and is constantly getting worse and requires absolutely fast interventions ” Walter Ricciardi, scientific advisor to the Minister of Health, invited to “Che tempo che fa” on Rai3.

“We all need to come together, national politics, regional politics, citizens, professionals, to address this looming national tragedy, of people who cannot be cured of Covid, of people who cannot be treated by cardiovascular diseases. Mortality from acute myocardial infarction and stroke has already increased by 10 percent. It is a national tragedy announced by a virus that moves with enormous speed and does not need to lose time, but a chain of command and communication Fortunately, the twenty-one indicators to reach the red zones are important because they provide automatic decision-making processes based on scientific evidence and avoid wasting time “.

About the curator Domenico Arcuri, who claimed that the situation is not out of control, Ricciardi said: “We have to make quick decisions. In some metropolitan areas the closure must be done immediately, in Campania the red zone had to be done two weeks ago. You cannot see images of people in the squares, in the streets, on walks without masks and without walking away. It must be strengthened immediately in areas where the number of doctors, nurses and people must move from one part of the country to another because, already happening, they are being reinfected. Doctors and nurses, we are losing the first line of the trenches. It is a war cabinet that must be prepared and managed in this time, it cannot wait. “

Ricciardi is, in fact, adviser to the minister Roberto Speranza and of him he says: “The minister receives my instructions with the utmost seriousness and the greatest commitment, but then he will speak with the Council of Ministers, with the other ministers, with the Prime Minister and at the State-Regions Conference and, Of course, and there the decisions are not made as quickly as the minister would like “.

On the attitude of this summer, told in long form of Republic “The shipwreck”, again Ricciardi: “We forgot about the virus. We had said it in April, and this conviction was based on studies of all the pandemics of the past, which have always had a second wave, always with the same characteristics: people relax, let their guard down and the virus rises again. Everything was predictable, so much so that with the minister on April 6 we had prepared a plan that would strengthen everything that was said, but these things had to be recognized by the Regions. they did, others did not. “

The Shipwreck / Part One

by di Carlo Bonini (editorial and text coordination), Michele Bocci. Tommaso Ciriaco, Annalisa Cuzzocrea, Elena Dusi, Giuliano Foschini, Fabio Tonacci, Giovanna Vitale and Corrado Zunino – Multimedia coordination by Laura Pertici, graphics and videos by Gedi Visual

And on the resumption of schools: “When we reopen the schools, I said that if we reopen them like Israel and France we will face serious problems, if we reopen them like Denmark and China we have no case, because the school is the safest place. the difference is that all aspects must be supervised, arrival at school, public and private transport, protocols within the school, departure, relationship and communication with parents … ”.

And with regard to smart work: “If you only make recommendations, even in the most disciplined and rigorous countries, you reduce the contagion rate by just 3 percent, if you do smart work for everyone, it is not optional but mandatory, in a 13 percent. ” If you close schools, you reduce it by 15 percent more. This means that in two or three weeks you will cut the contagion rate in half: this is the scientific evidence on which to base decisions ”.
