Veneto in the balance between yellow and orange areas: today the verdict of the Ministry of Health


Pending the analysis of the data on the division of the country into risk areas, Zaia asks the ministry for the go-ahead to immediately involve veterinarians in the prophylaxis of rapid tampons. 15 other deaths

VENEZIA. For Veneto, today Monday, November 9, will be the day of truth. In which it will be communicated if you can keep the “privilege” of the yellow zone or if it will become the orange zone like Puglia and Sicily, where the restrictions are much higher.

A decision that may have already been made yesterday, with the meeting of the control room on Covid and the Scientific Technical Committee convened by Minister Speranza. The tug of war on a technical and even political level does not yield, because the regions claim the right to consult with the royal powers.

In recent days, Zaia has asked Minister Speranza to give the green light to the use of veterinarians for tampon prophylaxis and the decision will take effect not only in Veneto: yes or no on a national scale. While on the issue of autonomy, the regions attribute the responsibility for the most restrictive measures to the government, only to claim the right to dissent.

What would change, therefore, in the case of an orange zone? Stop traveling to other regions and other municipalities, except for work, health and emergency reasons, with the return to the dear, old self-certification. Always low blinds for bars, restaurants, ice cream parlors and pastry shops. Only food is allowed at home, catering and canteens.

Meanwhile, the words of Walter Ricciardi, consultant to Minister Speranza, seem to be dedicated to Veneto as well: “The new system, which allows specific measures against Covid, requires a key element, namely, quality data provided by the regions, “It has a duty to send accurate information. What happens here is that some regions are more severe and faster, others deliver the data late and badly.”

But not only Veneto fears a reduction. Even Campania and Liguria, which could go from the yellow zone directly to the red one, Tuscany and Lazio. In Veneto, the province of Treviso is shaking, which, just by considering the Ministry’s algorithm, could risk the red zone on its own. It is not a mere judgment on the behavior of people, but decisions made on the basis of a complex data system. First, the RT, which is the contagion rate. A number, still too high, that answers the question: “Respect the measures put in place, how many people does one positive infect on average?”

And another variable is the narrowness of the hospital network. For this reason, Calabria, despite the contained infections, was included in the red zone. And that is also why Veneto is currently the yellow zone, thanks to its network of hospitals and the low number of people in intensive care: 202 out of 1016 places available in 66 hospitals, 11 of which are Covid. Then count the speed of the treatment.

Hospitals hold, yes. But the doors are ajar. Starting tomorrow, stop in scheduled operations and visits of specialists, to guarantee the maximum service to Covid patients, in terms of space and personnel. A spring déjà vu, with the block of 20 million performances. This time the suspension should last 2-3 weeks, but everything is subject to the progress of the infection.

A trend that continues to worry, as evidenced by the surpassing of 50,000 positive people, 80,000 since the start of the pandemic. Specifically, 51,924 Venetians are infected, with an increase of 3,258 cases in 24 hours. And there is a triple-digit increase in hospital admissions: 105, of which 9 in intensive care. Therefore, the total is 1,536 beds in the non-critical area and 202 in intensive care. Finally, the data of the deaths: 2,586 Venetians have lost their lives due to Covid. –
