General practitioners report being left alone to help home-isolated patients, who account for nearly all cases
Five hundred thousand patients at home to be cared for and without knowing how to do it. Because general practitioners do not have the necessary skills and means, as they denounce in their appeal to the government: “Hospitals burst, family doctors are collapsing. Politics must be examined of conscience ”, reports Corriere.it.
At the heart of the alarm raised by the Union of Italian Doctors is the management of Usca, the special assistance continuity units: “They are the link between family doctors and hospitals – explained the general secretary of the SMI, Pina Onotri -. We know that in some regions some Units have been irregular, but we have no information. “
“If you need an ultrasound to monitor pneumonia patients or a blood test to decide whether to prescribe heparin, the only thing we can do is send them to the hospital,” Onotri explains. So, skip home care. The Continuity Care Units should have done just that. “
These teams created in March by the DL “Cura Italia” are 1200 throughout Italy and have the function of “monitoring the clinical situation of those who are positive for Covid in isolation and administering therapies to the sick at home, relieving pressure on hospitals and GPs.”
However, according to GPs, this is not enough and they would have to take care of the 500 thousand infected of the coronavirus in isolation, which accounted for about 95% of all cases: “We are left alone on the front line, overwhelmed by an immense workload.”
On the other hand it was the same president of the Higher Council of Health, Franco Locatelli underline the importance of treating asymptomatic or paucisymptomatic patients at home, in order to avoid going to hospitals and therefore full beds as much as possible: hospitals “.
Regarding Usca, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health Sandra is collecting data from the Regions after the urgent questioning presented by 30 parliamentarians to Minister Roberto Speranza.
VIRGILIO NEWS | 08-11-2020 13:45

Photo Source: Ansa