La Spezia, November 8, 2020 – Data on the performance of COVID-19 in Liguria scores better data than the previous day: the new contagion there are 886 (yesterday 1,092) even if 800 fewer swabs were made (4,856). The healed are 493.
In front of hospitalizations, the increase is 37 units (of which four in intensive care): to date, 1,415 are hospitalized, of which 81 in intensive care (+4).
Record two new deaths dating back to Friday: two women aged 82 and 92 who died a Sarzana.
The Ddetail of the 886 new cases:
Asl1: 111 (36 contacts of confirmed cases, 75 detection activities)
Asl2: 87 (2 social and health sector, 18 confirmed contact cases, 67 detection activities)
Asl3: 540 (27 socio-health sector, 143 contacts of confirmed cases, 370 detection activities)
Asl5: 148 (58 confirmed contact cases, 90 detection activities)
Currently positive by residence = 17,369
Imperia = 1,477 (+51)
Savona = 1.589 (-9)
Genoa = 10.904 (+240)
La Spezia = 2.211 (+74)
Outside region = 325 (+15)
Other or under verification = 763 (+0)
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