The mayor comments on the crowd that has poured into the boardwalk, highlighting that “closing it is not the solution.”
“Naples is not a small city – he added – it is a great metropolis, with the highest population density in Europe. Especially when the weather is good, people go out to the streets and the limitation of hours concentrates even more people in the exits ”.
De Magistris then stressed that “police forces must certainly increase controls as realistically as possible, but it is useless to think about closing one road instead of another because people do not disappear. Therefore, this is not the way to go. solution”. mayors, by law, cannot adopt the emergency shutdown or close many places, they can only close some places, a street or a square, if however the provincial committee of public order and security is informed by the investigations of the police and ASL ”.
The mayor of Naples also recalled that “the city for the government is yellow zone, an area where people can go out into the street. “Precisely regarding the division of Italy by zones, the mayor said:” Almost a month ago the president of the Region had announced the closure when the situation was even less dramatic The consultant to the Minister of Health, Walter Ricciardi, immediately awaited a shutdown in Naples. All of this leads me to ask: but who are you waiting for? What is happening in Campania? Why do you tell us for twenty days that we are the red zone and then suddenly we become the yellow zone? ”.
In Naples hospitals in crisis – Very concerned about the health situation is Giuseppe Galano, head of 118 in Naples and coordinator of the regional emergency rescue network. “There are lines of ambulances and private cars in all hospitals in Naples – he explained -. Cotugno, Cardarelli, Ospedale del Mare are all in total crisis to receive Covid patients. We are also taking patients to Pellegrini hospital and San Paolo hospital., because now we can no longer get rid of large hospitals, but even these structures are in difficulty because they have few places reserved for Covid suspects and they flood quickly. “