Published on: 08/11/2020 3:41 PM
Mass distribution of the vaccine “will certainly take place at the end of the first quarter or the end of the first quarter of 2021. The hope is that the checks that the EMA has already initiated on the most advanced tests may have a positive result even earlier, ”said the Minister of Health. Roberto Speranza, guest of ‘In mezz’ora more’ on Rai3. “There is constant work with the United States. Every week we have felt in these difficult months with all the G7 ministers and with the United States Minister of Health there has been a constant relationship beyond the political fronts. In vaccines and research, relationships are constructive and we must continue to invest in them, ”Speranza stressed.
I – continued the minister answering a question about who in the government should sign the decrees with the measures on the coronavirus – sign on behalf of the government on the basis of a decree of the prime minister and in full harmony and sharing not only with the president of the Council of Conte but with all the ministers. The last Dpcm we signed was shared by the entire government. It is not a personal signature, it is a signature on behalf of the entire government ”.
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“I have signed strong ordinances and I am willing to sign more if it will be of use to our country,” Speranza said. “I am the Minister of Health and I have to respond to our Constitution,” he added. “If I verify that there is risk, I am not afraid to sign.”
The Minister of Health stressed that “in these hours an idea is emerging for which taking measures, choosing restrictions is doing something dirty. This idea must be reversed: it is saving people’s lives, helping the population and doctors. they are in trouble. “
“We – said Speranza – need to restore the spirit of conscience of March among the people. The virus circulates everywhere. Being in the yellow zone does not mean being in the green zone or being in a safe harbor. There are difficulties in all. the territories. If we do not reverse the curve, our national health service will go into crisis ”. “We have to drastically reduce social relations,” he added.
“There are the ordinances of the ministers and regional presidents, there is the work of the mayors that is extraordinary and precious, but in the end what made the difference in March and April was individual behavior,” continued the minister. .
“It is not written in the sky what will happen in the next few days. There are no tables that tell us exactly where we are going to end up. We know that the measures we are implementing, especially in the red zones, will undoubtedly produce bearish effects.” contagion. But there is a decisive variant, which is the behavior of people, which can really change things. But I continue to see a consciousness that is not up to the problem we are experiencing, ”he continued.
And about the possibility that the Regions communicate incomplete or incorrect data on the spread of the coronavirus, Speranza is clear: “We are in the relationship between institutions. It would be a very serious crime to give false data and I believe that in the correct relationship between institutions Regions must necessarily provide data “. Later, also from the control room there is a moment of analysis, verification and in-depth control ”.
“Our data is public and we have also approved a standard to strengthen this process,” he continued. “The choices made by the control room, with the Regions that share the path that we have shared”, are based on data that “by law we are obliged to publish”, including the 21 criteria used to indicate the risk of each Region. which are then integrated with the Rt index scenarios.
“The data comes from the Regions, feeds the ISS database and through this processing the control room offers us the definitive data. Based on these data, I sign the ordinances, ”added Speranza.
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