The eyes of the experts are focused not only on infections – yesterday another two thousand out of twenty thousand swabs, a positive percentage of 10% – but above all on hospitalizations. Almost two thousand patients are hospitalized from Piacenza to Rimini, passing through the epicenter of Bologna: 188 in intensive care (11 more in one day), 1,723 in Covid wards (plus 50 in twenty-four hours). Yesterday another 29 deaths, between 57 and 100 years. The gamble, or the Achilles heel of this phase, is the rigidity of the system. In a week Emilia will play the future: today, in fact, the control room of the Ministry of Health meets, but of what leaks from the world of health the real test will be next Friday, when the last ones will be on the table . updated data. From those report cards, the result of the 21 indicators used to measure the fever of Italy, will come the confirmation of the yellow zone.
The vast majority of admissions in critical areas are in Bologna, which has 62 patients between Ausl and Sant’Orsola. Reggio and Parma have 17 respectively, Piacenza 10. Of 35 thousand active cases, 94.6% are isolated at home. Donini insists: «The wave is very high and the reason
We are in the yellow zone, this is not a reduction of the epidemic curve. It is true, for a week we have seen an oscillation of cases between 1,700 and 2,000 per day. But there are always dozens of people hospitalized. We are in the yellow zone because the system is holding up, with all the efforts and aspects to strengthen.Maria Carla Re, head of the Sant’Orsola microbiology laboratory (which processed almost 74,000 swabs in October alone), adds: “We must not pass to the orange zone. It is a glass wall that can be easily broken, so we must keep the level of prevention high and all behave correctly. Ausl Managing Director Paolo Bordon is optimistic: “For now, clearly, we are capable of managing this wave, without closing everything, but making changes. We keep botta, also thanks to the help of the private. We have to do it. The “Rt” index goes down again, I hope it goes down, otherwise it is difficult ».
After reaching 600, Bologna yesterday counted another 437 infections and 5 deaths. The head of the Department of Public Health Paolo Pandolfi, who yesterday attended a virtual conference organized by the Order of Physicians with other experts, sees positive signs: “At the beginning of October the Rt index was above 1.5, now it is decreasing and is around 1.14. There is a containment of the phenomenon, even if we have a high number. We have 138 outbreaks, half of which run in families. But we also intervene in the barracks and schools. Last month, “we had 5,424 people under surveillance: in March there were 3,700, in April 2,000. In October we observed 45% of all the cases registered since February ». In general, “the system has guaranteed containment of the phenomenon.”
He has no doubts about schools: “At best, we had a peak of 4 positives for every 100 swabs, half the total number in the city. The rate is 2%, it means that the school is safe. From a hospital point of view, in the city there are 12 Covid wards, six for intensive care and two semi-intensive. In addition, two floors of a hotel have been dedicated to asymptomatic patients, while “a second Covid hotel will soon be activated and new clinics are also being prepared in the area,” explains the infectious disease specialist from Santa Úrsula Luciano Attard.