“Only the red zone can save us.” Collapsed hospitals


Covid Naples, De Magistris:

Crowd on the boardwalk on one side. Queues of ambulances in front of hospitals on the other. The situation COVID-19 in Naples it seems to get out of control. So much so that the mayor of the capital of Campania evokes the emergency shutdown. «Now we’ve reached the point that to save ourselves from real now-evident failures we only have, perhaps at this point, wait for the red zone with immediate refreshments for those who run out of money. Obviously it will be a defeat, like the one we see, the only case in Europe, with schools closed for the little ones. But, for the love of God, do not let us choose between dying of covid or starvation, “he writes on Facebook. Luigi of Magistris, which reminds citizens: “It is essential to reduce social relationships, always wear masks and be careful with distances.” We are committed to doing concrete things, in the midst of enormous difficulties, but we will not be overwhelmed by a debate that runs the risk of moving us away from the true solution of the problems.

The Mayor’s Message

The mayor’s words

“It is only the confinement or the red zone that prevents people from going out like these days and meeting, but only the Prime Minister can decide on this. Just as the red zone of a Region or of one or more cities can also adopt it President of the Region“, De Magistris underlines, adding:” If the situation in hospitals is dramatic, as can be seen from the testimonies collected, it probably means that those who declared a yellow zone in Campania were wrong, perhaps also because they made a mistake based on data that are not current, accurate and correct provided by regional offices. ”

The coast

For the mayor, “closing the boardwalk is not the solution to the images of the lines of ambulances and the collapse of the hospitals, otherwise we would have already done it.” This is underscored by commenting on the crowd that poured onto the open boardwalk yesterday, and also today. “The city is vast and full of attractive places, even small ones, and it is obvious that when closing a street or a square, people will move towards the neighboring street or square, even accentuating the presence of people in the remaining places. open and, therefore, even flattering for meetings, with a funnel effect. Naples for the government is a yellow zone, an area where people can go out to the streets ”, he adds. “Naples is not a small town, it is a large metropolis, with the highest population density in Europe – adds the mayor – Especially when the weather is good, like these days, people go out and the limitation of hours still more people are concentrating on the exits. ”Luigi de Magistris highlights how the city this weekend is” full of people everywhere in all the streets but a lot, thank God, with masks. “Situation for which the mayor affirms : “Police forces must certainly increase controls as realistically as possible, but it is useless to think of closing one street instead of another because people do not disappear. Therefore, this is not the solution. Mayors, for law -remember- they cannot adopt the confinement or close many places, they can only close some places, a street or a square, if nevertheless it is reported in the provincial commission of public order and security by investigations of the police forces and ASL “.

Collapsing Hospitals: “Emergency Medical Services Make Immediate Home Visits”

“There are lines of ambulances and private cars in all the hospitals in Naples, Cotugno, Cardarelli, Ospedale del Mare are all in total crisis in the reception of covid patients.” It is the alarm raised by Giuseppe Galano, head of 118 in Naples and coordinator of the regional emergency rescue network. “We are bringing patients – he explains – to the Pellegrini hospital and also to the San Paolo hospital, because at this point we can no longer have the large hospitals. But even these structures are in trouble because they have few reserved places for suspected covid and flood quickly. The situation is this in Naples but I know that it is also very difficult in the local health authorities of the province. “First aid and emergencies are in crisis because the chain lacks territorial medicine. Today there are 12 doctors in Naples on duty at 118 and 40 on the medical guard. What are they doing? I had asked to incorporate them even just to organize the home visits of the white codes, but they say that their contract does not foresee it, “continues Galano. «Today the chain of health services means survival of the population. Can a doctor wait and observe the contract? They shunned that duty, they talk about the contract, here are the people treated in cars in front of the hospitals and you say that the contract does not foresee it? ».

Last week Galano had already launched an appeal to incorporate into the emergency network the health workers of the medical guard who in the city have the task of attending to citizens, especially at night and on holidays, to replace the family doctor . “An appeal that was neglected – he says – and that instead can make an important contribution. I am referring to doctors who live in absolute autonomy and do not contribute anything in the emergency of covid. Incorporating them into the 118 organization does not mean committing them to the red codes, it means handing over an organization to the care of the white codes, sending them to make home visits, a cure that would also avoid many calls to 118 from people who instead are left alone. And don’t tell me they lack PPE, because I already said in the last few days that I am willing to provide them to go to people’s houses.


Last updated: 15:25

