Naples, manager of 118: “Lines of ambulances and cars in all hospitals. They are in total crisis to receive Covid patients”


The situation is increasingly critical in the Naples hospitals due to increased infections by coronavirus registered in the last weeks. After yesterday, ambulances queued for hours in Cotugno, with doctors forced to intervene directly on board to rescue the Covid patients, the scene is repeated today in all the main hospitals in the city. Sounding the alarm is Giuseppe Galano, in charge of 118 and coordinator of the regional emergency rescue network: “There is rows of ambulances and private cars in all the hospitals of Naples, Cotugno, Cardarelli, Hospital del Mar they are all in total crisis at the reception of covid patients. “So much so that, adds Galano, many patients are taken” even to Pellegrini hospital and Saint Paul, because we can no longer dispose with large hospitals. But even these structures are in trouble because they have Few places reserved for covid e suspects they flood quickly“It is a photograph of how the coronavirus is putting pressure on the hospital network in Naples, although, adds Galano,” I know that it is very difficult even in Asl of the province“.

The regional emergency medicine coordinator therefore reiterates the need to intervene to ease the pressure on hospitals. How? “THE first aid and the emergency is in crisis because the chain lacks territorial medicine. Today there are 12 doctors in Naples on duty at 118 e 40 in the medical guard. What are they doing? It is his accusation. “I had asked to incorporate them just to organize the visit home of the white codes, but they say the your contract does not foresee it. “According to Galano,” today the health services chain means population survival. Can a doctor wait and observe the contract? They shirked this duty, they talk about contract, here is people assisted by car in front of hospitals and you say that the contract does not foresee it? ”.

Meanwhile, reports from meetings, as happened yesterday, also thanks to the good weather. About him pulmonary, reports theAnsa, there is no shortage of those who have decided to bathe, while families and children go out for a walk, even if they have mask. A point on which the mayor of Naples spoke again, Luigi De Magistris. In a video on Facebook he reiterated that “close the promenade not the solution for image rows ambulances and collapse of hospitals, otherwise we would have already done it ”. The city is vast and full of attractive places, even small ones, and it is obvious that when closing a street or a square, people will move to the neighboring street or square ”. Risk, he explains, is a counterproductive “funnel effect”, so the only solution remains to stop mobility. “It is only the confinement or the red zone that prevents people from going out like these days and meeting, but only the President of the Council of Ministers you can decide on this. Just like him Red zone from a Region or one or more cities can also adopt it President of the Region“. De Magistris then rekindled the controversy about the lack of the orange (or red) zone established in Campania by the executive, accusing the Ministry of Health of having made a mistake” perhaps also because he was deceived by outdated data, accurate and correct provided by regional offices”.
