TURIN. Faced with an evolution of the pandemic characterized by an unprecedented multiplication of hospital admissions, the president of the regional health commission Alessandro Stecco, counselor of the Lega Salvini Piemonte group, university professor and doctor at the Novara hospital, launches an appeal to all Organizations not Governments: «Kidnap medical personnel from their hospitals abroad to Piedmont. The beds and especially the staff are running out. We need everyone’s help.
The biggest problems
“The criticality of today and tomorrow – Professor Stecco recalls – is linked to healthcare personnel, who despite the calls and hiring already made in phase One, cannot cope with such an increase in hospitalizations. Men and women who give their best every day without the possibility of receiving spare parts, without the possibility of rest despite the excess of work of these months, and who among them again count cases of positivity to the virus. This criticality prevents, on the one hand, the opening of new Covid departments and, on the other, the management of the departments necessary for the maintenance of clinical-care pathways for other pathologies, an issue that is very close to my heart ”.
“Slow government”
“Without controversy – continues President Stecco – I cannot help but notice that my Piedmont has once again been left alone by a government that is moving with exasperating slowness in the implementation of its provisions on hospitals, technologies and the territory. We cannot even count on the help of other Regions, which are also struggling with this unprecedented health emergency. Therefore, I believe that it is time to take advantage of all available resources, as has happened and will happen for the reinforcements from Cuba and China. At a difficult time for my Region, I wonder if those NGOs that manage hospitals and staff in various international contexts, which may be going through a different pandemic phase than the European one, can immediately send us as many medical and nursing staff as possible to help . of the parts of Italy most affected by Covid according to the rate of hospitalization “.