Covid, “Grandchildren with grandparents? They don’t have to stay there anymore.” But the doctors: serious damages for publishing


Take grandchildren with grandparents as much as possible. This is the indication, for the three risk bands, of the questions and answers to the Dpcm prepared by Palazzo Chigi. “It is possible but highly discouraged for parents to take their children with their grandparents – it is explained – because the elderly are among the categories most exposed to the contagion of Covid-19 and therefore they should avoid contact with other people as much as possible possible. Moving is only allowed in case of extreme necessity, if both parents cannot take the children with them due to force majeure reasons. Whenever possible, it is absolutely preferable that the children are not at home with one of the two parents who use it.

We should avoid carrying as much as possible grandchildren of grandparents. This is the indication, for the three risk bands, of the questions and answers to the Dpcm prepared by Palazzo Chigi. “It is possible, but highly discouraged, for parents to take their children with their grandparents – it is explained – because seniors are among the categories most exposed to contagion COVID-19 and therefore you should avoid contact with other people as much as possible. Therefore, this change is only allowed in the case of extreme need, if both parents cannot stay with their children due to force majeure reasons. Whenever possible, it is absolutely preferable that children are not at home with one of the two parents who take advantage of the flexible working arrangements or leave ”.

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“Children would do well to remember that grandparents are at risk with respect to Covid-19 and that they cannot care for their grandchildren,” observes the Undersecretary of Health. Sandra Zampa. But someone has no alternative to grandparents, especially if the family works in two. To try to reduce the inconvenience for families, the provisioning decree reintroduces the extra babysitter for areas of the national territory “characterized by a scenario of maximum severity and high level of risk”, the so-called red zones, in which lower secondary education centers are closed. But the Dpcm recommendation also refers to the other two areas, so the refreshment is partial.

All’Higher Institute of Health, who suggested the prevention rule, reiterates that at this time it is essential to protect the elderly and refer to the report just published in mortality Alabama Coronavirus in Italy. L ‘average age of victims He is 82 years old and only 1.1% are under 50 years of age. In addition, on average, the patients who died from Covid-19 have a majority (64% since the beginning of the epidemic, 75.3% in September and October) 3.5 pre-existing diseases and only 3.5% have no diseases. Hence the absolute need to protect the elderly, especially the sick. “Those over 70 years – observed the president of the ISS, Silvio Brusaferro – are those who have the highest risk of serious complications and, unfortunately, also of a fatal outcome. The number of more than 70 patients has been increasing for a few weeks and the trend must stop. If we don’t protect them, the deaths will increase ”. What is already happening.

Although unavoidable, in addition to being problematic for families, the measure has a number of psychological effects not secondary. “They can not deprive children completely of an irreplaceable cultural and emotional heritage – said the CTS member, Luca Richeldi -. The social role of the elderly is precious: and all the more precious the more they can contribute to family affective dimension. Young people could be held responsible for the fact that washing their hands, putting on a mask and keeping a safe distance from their peers is taking care of grandfather and grandmother ”.

“The measure probably cannot be avoided – observes the neurologist and writer, Rosario Sorrentino – but it comes at a price from a psychological point of view. Everyone reacts with their own experience, sensitivity, mental flexibility to the epidemic. And accepting separation from grandchildren can be heavy on children. To reduce psychological distress, it is necessary to redesign alternative life plans. Even on the phone or on video chat, grandparents are always grandparents, a precious resource to resist stress, train in fear and overcome it ”.
