Someone said that hope is a kind of childhood disease that we carry with us all our lives. Especially if your name is Speranza, Roberto Speranza; especially if you have a teenage face that a stubble, the stubble or three-day beard, try framing in a more mature frame.
Speranza was appointed Minister of Health in Liberi e Uguali, the smallest of the majority formations (whose visibility is guaranteed by Bersani’s daily television appearances). It had to be the classic tangential mandate, but then the pandemic broke out and the ministry assumed a centrality as political as it was paradoxical: guaranteeing everyone the right to health, whose protection is in the hands of the Regions.
Italy now divided into colored zones, where it is difficult to feel free and equal. Red regions that would have wanted to be yellow and yellow or orange regions that would have wanted to be red. Governors who want to open and others who want to close. Thus, the minister has no choice but to call the quarrelsome and blame game to conscience. If not, change the color tomorrow.
If I had a store, made up of a single room, I would like to start selling, you know what? The hope. Lowercase or uppercase, it doesn’t matter. The eternal genius of Gianni Rodari.
November 8, 2020, 06:53 – modified on November 8, 2020 | 06:54