Conte Commissioner Praises: “To Catch Covid You Have To Use Language”


“The mask is useless for shitting!” Word of the new commissioner ad health act in Calabria Giuseppe Zuccatelli, hastily appointed by the government to repair the damage of the resigning Saverio Cotticelli, who ended up in the storm after a surreal television interview. In short, from bad to worse. First an inadequate commissioner, then an almost “Nagazionist” commissioner. There is never an end to the worst. And the Calabria, also this time will have to be satisfied. Worst.

“Now if there isn’t mask absolutely nothing is done. ” Says the newly appointed commissioner when commenting on one of the last DPCM signed by Conte, which obliges all citizens to wear a mask anytime, anywhere. Even at home. But he, the government’s henchman, precisely Leu and Minister Speranza, thinks differently from the prime minister and the entire technical-scientific committee. Even for the minister who wanted it.

“The mask is not good for shitting, do I have to tell you in strict English?” He says vehemently to his interlocutors stunned by his words. Someone tries to answer, but all to no avail. And increase the dose: “Do you know what it is for? Distance! To contract the virus, if I am positive, do you know what to do? You have to stay with me and kiss me for fifteen minutes with your tongue in my mouth, otherwise you will not catch the virus! ” The doctor sent is convinced of this. Giuseppe Conte to restore Calabrian health. Yes, the same Count who keeps repeating like a mantra: “Put on the mask, put on the mask.” A warning repeated over and over again, also advertised on all social networks. A simple recommendation made by all doctors. Everyone except him. Except Weather in Zuccatelli. So convinced that it goes against everyone and everything. Even against the rules. Even against the law that the mask imposes it. But a doctor as skeptical as he can fight on the front lines COVID-19? How can you do this, especially in a high-risk region like Calabria? It remains a mystery. The government wanted it, and now it will be he who implements the emergency plan to combat the coronavirus. A plan that the previous commissioner already had to make, oblivious to everything. Fallen from the clouds as evidenced by the cameras “Fifth Title”.

But Giuseppe Zuccatelli is not the new one to advance, he is not the strong man, the savior that all Calabrians would have expected after the earthquake of inefficiency caused by Cotticelli. Zuccatelli has been in Calabria since December 2019, appointed extraordinary commissioner of the Pugliese Ciaccio hospital and the Mater Domini University of Catanzaro. He also ran the Cosenza provincial health company. Even for a short time. Still, sanity in those hospitals It is not the best.

“The virus catches you if you take the saliva drops for twenty minutes.” The doctor still says. Words that shame us. Will politics be too? It is unknown. Meanwhile (ironically) Zuccatelli is isolated due to the outcome positive in Covid. The question is essential: with whom are you going to have “lemonade”?
