After several glide It was approved on the night between Friday and Saturday the expected Soft drinks bis decree, which assigns more means support economic activities in the “red” and “orange” areas subject to the new anti Covid restrictions. The dowry has increased to about 2.5 billion from the slightly less than two initially planned. The provision also contains the postponement of the November tax deadlines for the self-employed in the Regions included in the bands with a high contagion index. then a reserve fund for to compensate for the activities of the areas that should enter the red zone at a later time. For parents of second and eighth grade children residing in areas where suspension from school activities is scheduled, the Babysitter bonus for 1000 euros and, in the event that they are employees and cannot perform smart work, extraordinary license with a subsidy equivalent to 50% of the monthly salary. There is no “anti-escalation” rule in the decree. Mediaset, which the government intends to insert as an amendment to the first provisioning decree.
“We intervene immediately to continue guaranteeing adequate social and economic safety net to those categories subject to the new restrictions “, writes the Minister of Labor on Facebook, Nunzia catalfo. Among the rest, “with this decree we expanded the Covid layoffs for workers hired after July 12 and we guarantee full financial coverage of social safety nets for artisans enrolled in the sector solidarity fund“.
First a expansion of categories of beneficiary activities of the non-refundable contribution provided for by the Ristori decree, which is equivalent to 200% of that received in June for a long list of Ateco codes from restaurants, gyms, cinemas and theaters and 400% for discos. Subsequently, the contribution is increased by a further 50% for some operators that were already beneficiaries but with the new dpcm suffer new restrictions. And a fund will be established to compensate the losses suffered by the economic activities that have based in shopping malls and to food industries.
The 60% tax credit on commercial income transferable to the owner, for the months of October, November and December, is extended to companies that carry out activities that entitle the recognition of the new concession and operate in the red zones. More they will not have to pay the second installment of Imu. There are also several tax deferrals: for those who have stopped operating, they are suspended tax withholdings and VAT payments for the month of November, for activities in the yellow zones i contributions to social security and welfare for the month of November and for those in the orange and red areas, the suspension is also valid for December. Only in the red zones the taxpayers to whom Synthetic reliability indices (Isa) the second payments of Ires and Irap, which should have been paid in November, are postponed: the payment is extended until April 30, 2021. The total contribution Also for the month of December for companies affected by the first Active Refreshments decree in the sectors of agricultural, fisheries and aquaculture sectors.
With an extraordinary background, support is provided to the subjects of third sector, voluntary organizations, social promotion association and non-profit organizations of social utility that are not among the recipients of the grant. “It is the confirmation of the attention of the Democratic Party to the entities of the third sector, which are suffering repercussions due to the temporary closure of their activities, in particular cultural, recreational and sports activities”, affirms the deputy and head of Third Sector of the Secretariat National of Pd. Stefano Lepri.
thefixed-term recruitment of 100 military doctors and nurses and the confirmation until December 31 of 300 doctors and nurses to strengthen Inail. The endowment of the fund for local public transport It is increased by 300 million euros by 2021, 100 of which can also be used for additional services also for students.
the disclosure and transparency obligations in relation to monitoring and to the processing of epidemiological data relevant to the classification of the areas of the country towards which the different containment measures will be taken. According to Ansa, it is expected that each week the Ministry of Health “will publish on its institutional website and communicate the results of the monitoring of epidemiological data to the presidents of the Chamber and Senate. The law also establishes that “the minutes of the technical-scientific committee and the control room” that deals with monitoring, be “published in excerpt” on the website of the Ministry of Health.