Dpcm. No to hiking in the mountains, united position of mayors


Sport and physical activity, here are the instructions of the mayors of Lecco

Yes, sports activities within its own municipality, excluding mountain walks

LECCO – A unitary letter that in these minutes will be published by all the mayors of Lecco and addressed to their citizens to clarify, once and for all, doubts about the activities allowed or not by the new regulations introduced by the Dpcm for the ‘ red zone ‘where Lombardy is located at the moment and therefore also the province of Lecco.

The message refers in particular to sports and motor activity, opening up to the possibility of practicing sports even outside the home as long as it is within the municipality itself, while for simple physical activity it is necessary to stay close to home. Walks in the mountains, explain the mayors, enter into physical activity and therefore are not allowed.

In contrast, the national CAI had sent a note in which opened up to the possibility of trekking in the mountains, alone and within his own municipality (read here).

“The sacrifice of these two weeks could be rewarded with the passage in the orange zone or better still in the yellow zone, thus allowing us to return to our normal life but above all to the great result of being all healthy – the mayors write – Fifteen days of sacrifices to live a life of freedom and health are there too many? We are absolutely sure of their understanding and their sense of responsibility ”.

Below are the guidelines of the mayors, in terms of sports and physical activity, in both cases that can only be carried out within the municipality itself:

“Motor activity, Through this activity, by way of example and not exhaustive, the walk and / or walk can be carried out exclusively near or rather in the vicinity of the house itself (we remember that in the first confinement it was specified that by proximity or near the house meant 200 meters). The distance has not been specified to date, but it is strongly recommended to stick to that distance.

Sport activity, that is, with this activity, by way of example and not exhaustive, the race, the use of the bicycle, can also be carried out far from the home but in any case within and not beyond the limits of the Municipality of residence itself.

All these permitted activities must be carried out exclusively on an individual basis.
The walk in the mountains it is prohibited since it is not under any of these conditions “.
