“It is possible to close places before 9pm”


New dpcm, the Viminale circular:

the Viminale sent to the prefects an explanatory circular on the application of new Dpcm, which came into force yesterday and which divides Italy into zones (red, orange and yellow) according to the risk scenarios and the trend of the contagion curves. One of the main specifications concerns “The possibility of ordering the closure of streets or squares in urban centers, where meeting situations can be created, previously planned after 9:00 p.m.” that, read the document «It expressly extends to the whole day or in any case to specific non-predetermined time slots, always without prejudice to the possibility of access to, and exit, to legitimate businesses and private homes.


As for the yellow areas, even during the national curfew, from 22 to 5 in the morning, it will be possible to switch to volunteering, through self-certification. The possibility of closing streets and squares, which was already scheduled from 9:00 p.m., is extended to all day, but transit will always be possible for those who go to open shops. Gambling and betting rooms are closed throughout Italy, but tobacconists remain open, with a clarification: «The activities of the gaming and betting rooms are also suspended within the premises used for other purposes.». Translated: it will not be possible to play the slots inside the tobacconists. The closing of the markets is valid only for indoor ones, and not for outdoor ones.



In the orange areas, it is forbidden to enter and leave, both from the region and the municipality of residence, unless there are cases of necessity and urgency or return home. Instead, it is possible to move to the city of residence, participate in religious services (however, places of worship must be the closest to home), go to work and shop without self-certification.. Catering services are suspended, with the exception of dining rooms and catering, and home delivery is still allowed, while take-out service is allowed until 10pm. they have no time limits, but should only work for clients.


In areas characterized by the scenario of maximum severity and high level of risk, the strictest prohibition is to move even within the municipality of residence. Only travel for reasons of work, health and necessity are allowed, as well as return home. But self-certification is needed. Participation in religious functions is still allowed, but self-certification is required and regulations against contagion and safety distances must be respected. Self-certification is also useful for physical and sports activities close to home. In the red zone, open-air markets are also suspended, with the exception of food stalls.

Last updated: 16:31

