Lombard doctors continue to fight the coronavirus. On Friday, November 6, another 9,934 cases were detected throughout the Region (compared to 46,401 swabs). Another 4,296 people positive for the virus were found between Milan and its interior. The data was disclosed by Civil Protection with the usual bulletin.
In the last 24 hours there have been a further 48 hospitalizations of people with severe respiratory failure in intensive care units; in total, intensive care units are treating 570 cases. Beds occupied by less seriously ill patients increased by 245 to a total of 5,563. There are a total of 6,133 people with SarsCov2 in hospitals in the region.
The death trail caused by the virus is lengthening. In a single day he killed another 131 people; the (official) total has reached 18,118
Gallera: accusations of not having provided protective equipment are unacceptable
“The accusations made by some representatives of the Milan Order of Doctors against the Lombardy Region about personal protective equipment are unacceptable. In the month of October alone, 135,750 water-repellent gowns, 452,500 FFP2 masks and as many surgical masks, 271,500 protective goggles were supplied to the same Lombardy Health Protection Agencies, with final destination to general practitioners. Specifically, 43,875 waterproof gowns, 146,250 surgical masks and the same number of FFP2, 87,750 protective visors were assigned in the territory of the ATS Metropolitan City of Milan ”.
This was stated by the Councilor for Well-being of the Lombardy Region, Giulio Gallera, about the controversies in the last hours about the lack of distribution to doctors. “From April to September 30 – Gallera specifies – the Lombardy Region provided ATS, with family doctors of final destination, 18 million masks and other protection devices, recognizing the strategic role of local medicine and professionals in close contact with citizens “.
“As an example – Gallera adds – according to the data provided by ATS Milan, the same Agency, during the summer, made 2,498 kits available to the Milan GPs each with 100 surgical masks, 15 FFP2s, 8 visors and 20 gowns water-repellent. The ATS itself highlights that, of these KITs, 200 have not been removed “.
The Lombardy Region distributes the masks provided by the Commissioner for the emergency who deals with the acquisition with centralized procedures and directly purchases other types of devices, using the ATS territorial network for the assembly of the complete KITs and their assignment to the Family Doctors and Pediatricians.