Non-refundable contributions have begun: this is how bars, restaurants and ice cream parlors will


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The Council of Ministers gave the green light at night between Friday 6 and Saturday 7 December to the provisioning decree-bis to compensate for the activities affected by the suspensions and closures depending on the color of the region due to the coronavirus emergency. Meanwhile, the Treasury has already initiated almost one billion transfers to more than 211 thousand activities as a result of the first provisioning decree (Legislative Decree 137/2020). Up to 726 million euros already paid are allocated to 154 thousand bars, patisseries, ice cream parlors and restaurants. While at the territorial level there are 32 thousand beneficiaries based in Lombardy, more than 20 thousand in Lazio, about 17 thousand in four regions: Veneto, Campania, Tuscany and Emilia Romagna. Around 13,000 in Sicily and Puglia, more than 5,000 in Calabria and Marche.

Quick help

As the Tax Agency points out, “it was possible to disburse the contributions in just nine days from the issuance of the Ristori decree, thanks to the computerized procedure managed by the technological partner Sogei, and without requiring any compliance by the taxpayers involved who will see the increased sums. directly to the current account indicated in the application for the first non-reimbursable grant provided for by the relaunch decree. “


The main recipients

By virtue of the Ateco codes and the percentages provided by the first Ristori decree, 154 thousand bars, patisseries, ice cream parlors and restaurants prevailed for which bank transfers were managed for an amount greater than 726 million euros. About 25 thousand are the subjects that offer accommodation services, the payment of more than 106 million euros has been ordered. There are about 9 thousand beneficiaries who operate in sports and entertainment activities and in transportation. Among the other activities with the highest disbursements, artistic activities (2,935), business support activities (1,482) and professional activities (1,206) stand out.

Lombardy and Lazio at the top

There are 32,345 beneficiaries based in Lombardy. After Lazio, with 20,571 economic operators, Veneto (17,947), Emilia-Romagna (17,154) and Campania (17,055). Among the other regions, Tuscany stands out, with 16,637 beneficiaries, Piedmont (14,294), Puglia (13,064) and Sicily (12,908).
