Joe Biden, America’s hottie who is about to win the 2020 US election. A 47-year veteran of politics, an international affairs expert, and an unrepentant stingy. In addition to being the “good guy” of Americans used to the explosive excesses of the presidency, Donald Trump and a middle-class man marked by terrible family tragedies: this is Joe Biden, the former Barack Obama MP that Americans (except sensational surprises in this term) elected to the White House: 78 years in two weeks, Biden is a moderate Democrat who came hesitantly to the presidency.
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In 2016, devastated by the death of his son Beau from brain cancer, he refused to run and perhaps had a better chance than Hillary Clinton. Chairman of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee for three decades, Biden had begun to deal with international affairs in 1997, after losing, as number one on the Justice Committee, the battle against the appointment of conservative black judge Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court: one of the robots. which, if Trump appeals, could get in his way. From Pennsylvania to the Oval Office: Joseph Robinette Biden was born to an Irish family in Scranton, the gray coal mining town that symbolized the fiasco of traditional industry, but since the age of ten he has lived in Delaware, the state where, in years in the Senate, he returned every night by train to father his children after being widowed.
First Catholic president after JFK – he has Beau’s rosary in his pocket – Biden is in favor of abortion and, in line with Pope Francis, in defense of the climate: “I will return to the Paris agreement on the first day in the White House” , he promised. after the elections. As a child he stuttered. Nicknamed ‘Dash’ (script) because he didn’t finish his sentences, he recovered by practicing in the mirror. His father, rich and reckless as a young man, had suffered financial setbacks and little Joe worked seven days a week selling cars at a dealership, cleaning boilers, spending Sundays behind a market stall. Never a brilliant student but an excellent athlete, in 1972, at just 29 years old and after becoming a lawyer, he ran for the Senate: only he and his family thought he could do it, but he was elected. But the joy of the triumph was brief: just before Christmas, his wife Neilia and their 13-month-old daughter Naomi died in a car accident.
The two men, Beau and Hunter, were seriously injured at the hospital. Fast forward to today: Beau, a former Delaware attorney and captain in the National Guard, also died, leaving his father in an insurmountable void. Hunter, the youngest, has caused him riot and trouble, amid drug addictions and reckless business in countries like Ukraine and China bounced off his father with accusations of conflict of interest. Biden also has a daughter, Ashley, by his second wife Jill Jacobs, an Italian-American with Sicilian grandparents and a teacher at a community college, married in 1977 at the UN Church in New York. He has two dogs: Major and Champ. The race he is about to win is Biden’s third in the White House: his last in 1987 ended badly when it was discovered that he had “copied” a speech by a British leader.
In 2008 he had brought Obama great experience and a sincere heart. He was rewarded with unprecedented access to the button rooms: partner, as well as friend, of the youngest president who, among many tasks, had entrusted him in 2008 with the task of dealing with the “continuing disaster” of the economic crisis since the point of view of the middle class, which he defined as “the true backbone of the country.”