Tuscany, orange zone if you don’t improve. In Florence the critical threshold has been exceeded


Florence, November 7, 2020 – Tuscany is observed special: although the region remains in the yellow zone, at least until next Friday, the monitoring data reported yesterday (detected in the week of October 25 to November 2), they send directly to the Grand Duchy in the orange zone. “We have a week to improve the indicators – explains the Tuscan Governor Eugenio Giani – We are working on all fronts”. What restrictions on the orange band? Movement to and from the Region and between Municipalities will be prohibited, allowed only for work, emergencies and to accompany children to school, while bars and restaurants will close, shops will remain open. Spread of the virus …

Florence, November 7, 2020 – The Tuscany Special note: although the region remains in the yellow zone, at least until next Friday, the monitoring data communicated yesterday (recorded in the week of October 25 to November 2), sends the Grand Duchy directly to the orange zone . “We have a week to improve the indicators – explains the Tuscan Governor Eugenio Giani – We are working on all fronts”.

What restrictions on the orange band? Movement to and from the Region and between Municipalities will be prohibited, allowed only for work, emergencies and to accompany children to school, while bars and restaurants will close, shops will remain open.

The spread of the virus and the capacity for hospital receptivity are among the parameters that weigh the most in the complex calculation of the 21 indicators that the Higher Institute of Health takes into consideration. Among other things, Tuscany, according to the study by the Higher School of Economics and Health Systems Management of the Catholic University, with 41% of employment, has far exceeded the first alarm threshold for filling intensive care (30% ) and approaches the second (43%).

And precisely to lower the Rt (yesterday in Florence beyond the critical threshold of 1.5) and increase the availability of ordinary Covid hospital beds, intermediate care and reception for those with minor symptoms in a health hotel, the Region has undertaken a treatment. intensive. “Both for intermediate care, for health hotels, and for follow-up, we are reinforcing the framework of intervention that, day by day, seems to me to be giving the signs of operation with respect to the times we had given ourselves,” explains Giani. .

Today Giani will sign the ordinance that started the Creaf operation in Prato, the great structure owned by the Region that was left unused, which he will be able to offer, only after the renovation works that Giani assures will be carried out in 25 days, at most one . month – a lung with 400,500 beds for intermediate care in the central ASL area of ​​Tuscany. At work also in ordinary Covid hospital beds: once the threshold of 2,000 hospitalizations is exceeded, all non-urgent surgical activities are suspended. Yesterday the hospitalizations in Tuscany decreased: in total 1,512 (77 less in ordinary hospitalization than the previous day), of which 209 in intensive care (7 more). But precisely to avoid the very dangerous suspension of activities, structures are sought outside the hospitals. Today in Florence, the Covid department of Villa dei Glicini will open with 60 beds, separated from Villa Ulivella, which is still totally non-Covid, where surgical activities and admissions to public service will be concentrated.

Health hotels suffer from unpopularity: people don’t want to go there. But they represent the place for the lightest treatments: they will be the tracers of the positives, during the telephone calls for the epidemiological investigation, to invite to use the facilities. The regional health councilor, Simone Bezzini, has mobilized to search for at least 1,500 rooms. To date, 937 have been activated, of which 621 are used. The first three ‘hotel hospital’ structures have been put into operation on an experimental basis: a team from Usca, with a doctor and nurses, will be present 12 hours a day to visits and therapies. In the area of ​​the ASL Toscana center there are three assisted hotel structures: the Caravaggio (36 rooms) in Florence, the Pellegrini (82 rooms) in Montecatini and the Datini in Prato (82 rooms).
