Know if you are positive for Covid-19 within a quarter of an hour from the swab. There lotta to Coronavirus in Emilia romagna you can count on a new tool: it is started, and it will be finished for most teams by the end of next week, the distribution of almost one million rapid antigenic swabs, capable of providing a result in about 15 minutes. And it’s just the first batch of one general supply that approaches the 2 million tests.
The goal is to be successful in circumscribe, and therefore contain, in a still more effective and faster the spread of infection: among the intended uses there will be controls on the close contacts of the positives For him closure, after 10 days, quarantine, projections a school In the event of a positive result, the controls of the patients who access the First aid; and again, in the social and health structures come the Cra, for periodic screening of operators and guests and for visitors, as well as for epidemiological investigations on professional categories of the age groups more at risk. Also, for testing in travelers arriving Marconi Airport in Bologna
Even the Pact for work will participate in this great control campaign: 250,000 quick swabs in fact they will be provided to employers signatories of the agreement with the Region, who will have the opportunity to have the try on your own, in terms of execution costs, in accredited health establishments.
The pack of quick swabs
am there are two supply channels quick swabs to be distributed in Emilia-Romagna, in total 1,865,550: 44,880 are provided by structure of the national commissioner – of which 19,200 arrived at the beginning of November and 25,600 arrived -, the remaining 1,820,750 are the result race that he Emilia Romagna region he called together with the Veneto region; of these, 970,000 are already in distribution.
The first government-guaranteed supply of tampons was divided into homogeneously among the 8 Health Trusts, who received 2,400 each; The evidence obtained by competition will instead be assigned to the territories according to a distribution that takes into account resident population and diverse needs.