Why doesn’t Minister Speranza give the data on infections in schools?


The eternal Italian political operetta was missing (the confinement did not change anything, in fact it worsened some useless minuets) the data war. The matter of the dispute is serious, it is about coronavirus infections, how, where and why. The Regions-Government dispute has been talked about, is being talked about and will be talked about. Nobody goes well. For weeks, Minister Roberto Speranza has been agitating in the Council of Ministers to close, a closure supported by Minister Dario Franceschini. The left of article one and the Democratic Party, of which the Minister of Cultural Heritage is also the head of delegation, aligned themselves above all by rigor. Alarms, worries, the fear of having to come the day when the new request for intensive care can no longer be answered. All legitimate considerations, but especially at this stage, politics, decisions to be made, and emotions must be separated. It would be too easy to ask the Minister of Health if in the four months between the first and second wave (a largely predictable event) nothing more could be done, if it could not be created, but from the end of April to the beginning of May, a working group that acted in the field, evaluated the local criticalities, built traction structures, microparts to face what was to come. We may be naive. It is true, years and years of divestment and Covid that worries us with a broken and heroic health system when it works. We did not wait for the moment for the construction of a hospital seen in Wuhan, something less, but also something more than what we see now. To say: what was the point of the entrance exam to the Faculty of Medicine once again this summer, not having more doctors and having dissuaded thousands of children from studying in recent years so that they also had legitimate passions? And because the difficulties are not mentioned also to enter the health professions, beyond the rhetoric of the heroes (which some now even degrade). Nurses charge salaries that do not match the absolute value of their work. But the things to say and the questions to ask would be endless.

Nobody disputes the need of the moment, to save lives, avoid intensive care, fight the virus. However, in short, if what we have behind us is so little, the ethical call to be all united sounds too rhetorical, deaf, empty. If we are on the verge of health bankruptcy as a global example to follow, something is not right. Minister Speranza in Parliament mentioned the suffering of other European countries. It is true that they are sick, some very bad, worse than us. But, we asked the minister and everyone, why did the heads of government of France, Great Britain, Germany take painful measures for their citizens, except the closure of schools and workplaces? The history and culture of those countries demands it, they also hastily reopened in spring and hastily closed again, especially in France. But why, on the other hand, is this not the case with us, and not even in a center-left government do we see the sensitivity that the school deserves? After the first two weeks, the Minister of Education provided comforting data on infections: the virus is not spread in school classrooms, ridiculous percentages compared to everything. We didn’t know anything else then, but we witnessed the assault on the school by almost all the governors, of whom they are particularly committed to shutting down, shutting down those of the Democratic Party. The problem is cultural, long-standing, but also political: if Zingaretti sends two tweets in support of De Luca who wants to close schools with Minister Azzolina to ask, instead, to challenge such a decision, it means that there is a distance. between the political parts of the same really huge government. In the Council of Ministers the Minister of Education explained on several occasions the serious consequences for children of the closure of schools, the return to Did, the immense effort not yet completed to give each student a device. Words fallen in the cold of those present.

What, however, is not clear, before going directly to the closing of the schools (not all, fortunately), how it was done, what the situation really is there (apart from the uncontrolled numbers given by this or that councilor). What percentage of infections do we have in school classrooms? Is the overall system bad? Too many people are on the move to go to school and transportation is not enough and distances cannot exist? Wasn’t it enough to organize different check-in and check-out times? When the school in four months went to work to allow the reopening in presence as of September 14 all the other parts of the comedy what did they do? If it was useless work, you could have sent everyone on vacation, right? Also: if Miozzo (Cts), Locatelli (Css), Arcuri, Richeldi (Cts), not to mention all of them, say that the virus is not spread at school, because the Minister of Health, who uses the advice of the scientific community, since the first day of the second upward wave, have you called for the closure of schools?

Can you show us the scientific data, the evidence? Desperate for figures that have not been published for weeks, we discover that the numbers of infections in schools are available to the Minister of Health, who until now has not been kind enough to make them public, at least to make us understand what we are talking about. And that they would not have been provided, after an explicit request, not even to the Minister of Education. In the age of emails, certain responses should be readily available. Short. If, on the contrary, I am not there, Minister Speranza, say so.
