by Roberto Buonavoglia (ANSA) – BARI, 06 NOV – Pupils from primary and lower secondary schools can return to class tomorrow, while for students from upper secondary schools, distance lessons continue. This is what the new ordinance signed at night by the president of the Puglia region, Michele Emiliano, offers. “With effect from November 7, 2020 – we read – and until the end of December 3, 2020, the teaching activity must be carried out in application of the Dpcm November 3, 2020”.
In the order in which the governor of Apulia, Michele Emiliano, reactivated face-to-face teaching for primary and lower secondary schools, it is specified that primary schools must “to allow the protection of public health also in Puglia” and “reduce the risk of epidemic spread “,” guarantee the online connection in synchronous mode for all students whose families expressly request that their children adopt integrated digital education, even in a mixed way, and also for limited periods of time coinciding with quarantines or fiduciary isolations, instead of the activity in presence. “