Lockdown, Sala’s appeal to the Milanese: “Stay home as long as you can” / VIDEO


Milan, November 6, 2020 – “I invite the Milanese to stay at home Il as much as possible in these difficult days, because the contribution that a community, that our community, to be able to give in right now is to try to be together and try to do your part because this pandemic crisis, which is turning into a economic and social crisis very, very deep, be as abbreviated as possible. This is the work we have to do. “

So the mayor of Milan, Giuseppe Sala, in a video posted on his social pages this morning. “Those who do my work should always try to be as clear as possible – said Sala – and it is not always easy. I do not lead any revolt of the mayors. That happened mine fellow mayors of the capital city The Lombardy provinces have legitimately written to the Minister of Health Speranza and the President of Lombardy Fontana asking to have visibility of the data on their province and assuming in fact that their provinces should not be considered red, but orange. This, of course, does not concern Milan. It is my personal opinion, but I think it is too risky to divide Italy, down to individual provinces, in yellow, orange and red areas, among other things based on a very complex algorithm “
