A long note left this morning signed by the Mayor of Naples Luigi de Magistris addressed to the President of the Council of Ministers Giuseppe Conte. In the note, the mayor first expresses his “deep concern about the public health situation in the Campania region” and states that “Control of the different sectors that make up the structure for the defense of citizen health has been completely lost. From the medicine of the territorial district, to the tampons, from the tracking of infections, to the beds, to the Usca rooms, to the enormous difficulty of treating other pathologies of people not affected by coronavirus, because the blockade of the hospitalizations ”.
«I appreciated – writes de Magistris – his recent decree that I consider acceptable and balanced, but that must be followed by absolutely necessary measures directed to the territory of our city and to the metropolitan area of which I am, for both, mayor. I list some of them that are of urgent importance and urgency. The first refers to the immediate transfer of significant and strong liquidity, with a Civil Protection order to support all forms of poverty that, compared to the previous “closure”, have increased significantly, especially in our city. Naples has a particular economy, even circular, made up of undeclared work, hourly work, a series of activities that escape ordinary statistics on work and production. In this sense, the expansion of the layoff fund, the blocking of layoffs – measures with which I agree – do not reach, and do not affect, however, the fabric of an economy that is characterized by other factors. Closely connected is the second request: an extraordinary work plan that can allow, even our Municipality, to contract to ensure the correct functioning of the administrative machinery, at such a delicate moment. Contracts in derogation, in particular, such as the displacement, for example, of the rankings of the Local Police competence or the introduction of professional profiles in the Civil Protection sector. This, unfortunately, has obstacles and, as you well know, it is not allowed, given the situation prior to the decree in which the municipality of Naples is considered.
The mayor’s letter continues: «And yet, with our scarce resources and with the limitations imposed, everything that was and is within our possibilities has been put in place, with interventions focused on the economic and social situation. Interventions that referred, for example, to the exemption of municipal taxes and fees, the suspension of the rent of municipal and metropolitan assets and other significant actions in defense of categories in distress. Actions that must continue to give concrete signals of closeness to our citizens, but that must be urgently restored by the State so as not to overload the already precarious economic and budgetary situation of the municipality of Naples. As well as the higher costs borne by shipyards and companies, which had to incur considerable costs to comply with the provisions contained in the safety protocols, must be restored.
The services offered -continues the mayor- also worried about the availability of welcoming people who are positive for Covid 19, but asymptomatic or with mild or cured symptoms, in structures that are within our availability, contributing, in this sense, to freeing places in the hospitals. , now sold out. Or those of providing centers and spaces for making swabs, in order to interrupt the sad and bleak spectacle of the endless lines reported by the media. We have activated – with considerable efforts and I claim it with pride – solidarity distance learning, when instead, the Region immediately closed, above all, primary and elementary schools in an absurd and incomprehensible way, interrupting the precious social and cultural activity. and formative. I am also convinced that we have to go back to face-to-face teaching, naturally observing all security protocols, for school and university laboratories that cannot be performed remotely ”.
Going to the conclusion, the mayor of Naples underlines “together with what has stood out so far, I believe, Mr. President, a measure that is becoming increasingly indispensable: the Emergency income for all categories without financial support. All those workers who, as I mentioned above, are not “cataloged” and identifiable. A support for all those who even live to get by, trying, with dignity, to have an income from small crafts, manual work or necessity. I have tried to explain to you the situation that concerns our territory and our community, aware that the difficulties, in this historical period, concern and are going through our entire country. But Naples has particular connotations that must be dealt with decisively and capillary. The note ends “for these reasons, I ask you, in the climate of maximum institutional collaboration, a meeting, with courteous urgency, to continue the constructive dialogue, addressing absolutely urgent interventions for the city and the metropolitan area of Naples.”
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