Coronavirus, Ricciardi: “The situation in hospitals is sometimes tragic. And Naples had to be closed”


ROME – “The situation in hospitals is more or less dramatic throughout Italy, in some it is even tragic. The system collapses if it is not possible to treat patients who have other diseases in addition to the covid.” So Walter Ricciardi, scientific advisor to the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, in the transmission A day of the sheep on Rai Radio Uno

Problem: “Constant dialogue with the regions. Increasing curve, possible local red zones”

“Unfortunately national RT is higher than 1, I think 1.2-1.3 on average – continues Ricciardi – Of the 21 criteria, 4-5 are the really important parameters: RT, absolute number, positive numbers on the population, then how many people come to the emergency room, arrive at the hospital and go to intensive care ”.

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The data from which to place an area of ​​the country in one risk band instead of another “come from the Regions – he adds Ricciardi – so that if the Regions send them promptly, completely and adequately, decisions are made on the actual data. If, on the other hand, for some reason the data is provided late or is underestimated, it is clear that it makes the color of the region a little different. Generally, if the data is insufficient, a lower color. “

No region is green but “we will have to be green again. The minister’s consultant explains: we would all be happier when we all returned green. But at this moment there is no region that can declare itself free from the risk of circulation” of the coronavirus. It was decided to identify the bands with the colors “because it is understandable to everyone,” he explains, answering the ironic question “what color are you?” To which he replies: “I am yellow”, being in Lazio. The colors “are immediately understandable for everyone to understand the seriousness of the situation.”

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Regarding the key parameters to be able to go green, that is, a situation in which the virus is no longer a threat, Ricciardi notes: “In my opinion, 4-5 parameters are really important. The first is the contagion index Rt, which tells us how much it is accelerating and when it is less than 1 it means that the epidemic is receding; the second is the absolute number “of the cases; “The third is the percentage of positives in the population; and the fourth and fifth refer to health services, that is, how many people come to the emergency room, how many are hospitalized and how many go to intensive care. Of the 21 indicators, I I would say that they are really important. The others are based on a complete analysis of what the aspects are for the control of the disease. For example, the parameters related to the ability to perform tests. weak condition “.

The interview

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The idea remains that “a closure would be necessary in Naples.” To the drivers who point out that, with the new Dpcm and the ministerial order that followed, the majority of the country is ‘yellow’, Ricciardi he responds “yes, but it is still a dangerous band – he warns – because in fact it can get worse at any moment if we do not take action. I take the example of Naples: it is within a yellow region that is Campania, however 2-3 years ago weeks I said it had to close. ” And even today the professor of Hygiene at the Catholic University repeats that “surely the metropolitan area of ​​Naples is already an area at risk, in fact the data has even deteriorated. Campania is in the yellow zone because an average has been made on the regional data that we then have to see if they are all confirmed. ”But Ricciardi believes that” we need to extrapolate the data at the provincial level. “

Then talk about Christmas. “I imagine a prudent Christmas. In some regions, the best located, there may be some mobility but I do not recommend busy dinners, we should have sober celebrations ”.
