From online school to on-demand school: Puglia has no peace. The president of the Region, Michele Emiliano, should be about to issue an ordinance that would entrust parents with the responsibility of sending their children to class. From first to sixth grade. It would be an ordinance that does not order.
The news of the measure, which does not seem baseless but pointless, is increasing an already very high level of confusion due to the restrictions to which Puglia is now subject, at least for fifteen days. The point is another: the president of the Region cannot download prerogatives that belong to families and teachers. Who is governor must govern and who is teacher must teach. And the school staff has already been extraordinary and still is.
School, chaos in Puglia. The tar with one section suspends the closure, with the other it confirms the order

The ordinance with which Emiliano closed the schools, adopting a more restrictive regime than the national one that would instead require keeping them open, derives from the powers that the presidents of the region have in the Constitution. He made that decision because he assures that the epidemic within schools is rampant, that there are ten thousand students in quarantine and that there are enormous risks to the health system, in the first place the monitoring of cases.
Emiliano’s decision is deeply divisive like all options of its kind. The president was overwhelmed on social networks, and not only by the protests and requests, also perfectly legitimate, from families, teachers and unions that instead ask him to reopen schools. However, there are also those who support it. But it is not governed by the daily balance of consent. In some cases it is also necessary to rule at odds with the majority of the people. This is democracy, which assigns strong powers to a regional president to exercise them in the collective interest.
Now Emiliano has to make a decision. And only he has to do it. It cannot hand over responsibility to the government (“another national decree is needed”), to families (“they decide whether to send their children to school”) and to principals (“they must tell us if safety is guaranteed”). It is to decide. Yes, this is not a power, but a duty: the president must fulfill his function. Do you think that the Apulian school today based on the data you have is safe or not? Choose. He was able to do it, in one sense or another, with the same determination with which he reopened the nightclubs this summer, despite the fact that the government had not allowed it, or with which just three weeks ago, the only one in Europe, asked to continue at wedding celebrations with banquets for hundreds of people.
You can agree or disagree with the president, but the decision is up to him and not on Facebook likes. Also call online the representatives of all parties present in the regional council and communicate their decision out of respect for the institutions. So, but only after and not before, let the public know your determination and reasons with data, analysis, forecasts. You have no choice. Either the schools reopen as the government wants, or it keeps them closed as long as he, and only he, deems necessary. You must decide on the basis of the data provided by the technicians. As the government did: it listened to the scientific committee and made a decision. It can be right or wrong.
The duty of power is a concept that until now has only been kept in college textbooks. Now, however, it is the only tool to deal with the emergency. The presidents of the Region so far have distinguished themselves, in general, for having shouted autonomy when it comes to reopening and instead invoking state interventions when closing. This is a bread and circus system. Now we need seriousness.