Is it possible to play tennis as of November 6?


Is it possible to play tennis as of November 6? A recurring issue in times of covid, and especially in a similar phase, with decrees that vary rapidly with the rate of increase in infections and the state of hospital structures in different regions.

With the last DPCM in particular, the one in force practically from today November 6, a new restriction scenario and obligations lie ahead for Italy, this time dividing Italy into three parts.

The Regions are colored red, orange or yellow depending on their situation in terms of infections and hospital saturation, with even considerable differences in terms of people’s freedoms, including opportunities to play sports.

So let’s see if tennis can be played starting November 6 and what changes eventually for players and sports halls.

Is it possible to play tennis as of November 6?

As mentioned, the last Dpcm signed by the premier Giuseppe Conte it introduces significant distinctions between regions according to the situations encountered so far on the contagion and health facilities front.

In fact, however, the yellow and orange zones as of November 6 you will not find a very varied image, and the opportunity to practice will remain “Basic sports activity and motor activity in general carried out outdoors in public and private sports centers and clubs, complying with the rules of social distancing and without any encounter “, as specified in the text of the decree.

However, the decree specifies the impossibility “In the use of changing rooms within said clubs”, in order not to generate gatherings or favor situations of sharing closed and usually confined spaces.

But for him red zones, for the moment indicated in Lombardy, Piedmont, Calabria and Valle D’Aosta, on the other hand, since November 6, the prohibition of any physical activity both outdoors and indoors and in any structure, whether public or private.

Thus you don’t tennis in the red zones, which intend to impose greater restrictions to return to lower thresholds related to hospitalization and intensive care, prohibiting practically any physical activity except that carried out alone and in the vicinity of the home.

In fact, it is allowed to run and walk around the residence but always respecting the distance of at least one meter from any other person and with mandatory mask.
