by Stella Saccà
Waited until seven in the afternoon, the president Triumph, to break a silence that lasted two days. The time is not chosen at random, of course.
He waited until seven in the afternoon to hit the stomach of all Americans, but also that of all the citizens of the world who have always looked at the United States of America as a symbol of democracy. Even Republican stomachs hit. Which may be a little stronger, but it’s still made from meat.
The president lied, but this this is not new. The novelty is that in doing so he accused of corruption the country that he himself led for four years. He accused Pennsylvania of being the most corrupt state (one wonders what has changed in the four years he has been in power, given that in 2016 Pennsylvania preferred him to Clinton).
Bernie sanders He had anticipated everything: Trump does not count, the votes in the mail are not valid according to him, and some of his supporters thunder that, despite having based his campaign on boycott of vote by mail (regardless of the fact that it would have been a safer method of voting during a pandemic) it is not possible that it took so few ‘mail on ballots‘.
Stephen Colbert, with tears in his eyes, turned to him. republicans quoting Burke, urging them to act against Trump’s untenable illusions “because to be successful, all the bad is that good men do nothing.”
And at 5 in the morning the invitation was accepted by Republican Al Schmidt, commissioner of the city of Philadelphia, who on CNN reassured all voters in a Clear voting process, thus denying the umpteenth lie of President Trump, described by Anderson Cooper as “an obese turtle lying face down who, knowing that it is over, wants to drag everyone In the background, including your country. “
A president has the right to invoke the count What you shouldn’t do, however, is deliberately accuse your country of corruption. This is not only dangerous but terribly sad.
A confirmation of the fact that this election is no longer a party between Democrats and Republicans. In fact, they never were. Here because New York Times and Cnn (and not only) are aligned explicitly. Because we are in 2020, and the economy of a country should not and cannot be the only criterion to decree success of a political leader.
This time they were called to vote against the dangerous hallucinations of a man who for four years threatened and deeply scratched the democratic principles of the United States of America.
The president, in a room in the White House, which is not his but the Americans’, Yes it is spoiled about himself, like a sheet of paper thrown into a fireplace that ceases to be once completely burned.
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