Coronavirus, in the “red zones” is the first day of “confinement” but from Reggio to Crotone many shops are open in protest: Calabria wants to continue living [FOTO e VIDEO INTERVISTE]


6 November 2020 13:13

Coronavirus, as of today Calabria is a “red zone” but there is an air of normality: life does not stop, shops remain open for “civil disobedience”

From today the Calabria is in “Red zone“But this new emergency shutdown It is not accepted by the Calabrian population who do not consider it correct, while this land receives the recognition of the whole world for the way it manages the pandemic and the low number of infections and hospitalized, unlike other regions of Italy considered even ” yellow “despite being in a hospital of great suffering. Last night there were sensational protests throughout the Region, in Reggio thousands took to the streets demanding freedom. This morning the feeling you have is one of relative normality: the confinement, in fact, does not exist. Schools are open, offices have not closed and many businesses have decided to remain open, some according to the Dpcm, others in violation of the law but to continue the protest and carry out a kind of “civil disobedience.” In particular a Reggio calabria It’s in Crotone a lot shops today they are regularly open Despite the bans, however protest and launch the appeal that the city wants to continue living.

A Crotone even 70% of commercial activities remained open in protest, especially clothing stores, while bars and restaurants, which, although organized to take away, have set up tables on the street to receive customers.

Meanwhile, the Executive Committee is expected to formalize the challenge of the ordinance while the Regional Council has called an extraordinary session for tomorrow with a single item on the agenda called “Calabria yellow zone“.

Inform at the moment Common sense behavior on the part of the police.: the controls are not as rigid and invasive, the territory is guarded as in the last days to intervene in case of agglomerations or concentrations but At the moment there are no stricter interventions on the movements or sanctions to the stores that have opened in violation of the Dpcm. Obviously, the highest authorities of the city have understood the situation and also understood the needs of citizens, displayed peacefully in the square. am aware that the behavior of the police will be decisive these days– Exaggerated fines, penalties and controls could light the fuse of increasingly harsh and violent protests. Instead, it leaves relative freedom to whoever anyway respect the spacing, wear masks, it is equipped with everything case protections, it means to allow the territory not to die and overcome this “red zone” without exploding a social bomb.

Reggio Calabria “red zone”, the owner of the Poker bar: “we are pissed off because we already had a hit in March” [VIDEO]
