New Dpcm, DaD for middle and high school, but many students will go to school. And their teachers too – School News


In summary, in which cases the new Dpcm school of November 3 and the last ministerial note of November 5 authorize the teaching in presence also in the red zone?

From what we read in the documents of the Ministry of Education, on the whole there will be many pupils who will attend school in presence, perhaps far beyond expectations, given the many exceptions to the principle of keeping children at home.

Exceptions to distance learning

According to ministerial instructions, although in the red zone, the following subjects are authorized to attend school in the presence:

ICOTEA_19_inside article
  • students of kindergarten and elementary school.
  • High school first graders but only from first classes.
  • Students who have to perform, especially for the main subjects, laboratory activities or practical exercises, characteristic and not practicable in any other way, provided they are formally contemplated by current regulations and in strict compliance with security protocols.
  • Students participating in courses to transversal skills.
  • Students in disabling condition or with specific learning disabilities under what conditions is it preferable to attend school, complying with the principle of inclusion and favoring the learning objectives.
  • Groups of students who are classmates of children with disabilities or SLD, with a view to allowing the person with a disability to interact with the purpose of effective and real inclusiveness, as we explained in another article.
  • Students in state of “Digital divide” otherwise it cannot be solved.
  • Students children of health workers (doctors, nurses, OSS, OSA …) directly involved in containing the pandemic, in the context of specific, expressed and justified requests.
  • Students children of personnel employed in other public services essential, in the context of specific, expressed and justified requests.
  • Boarding students and boarding students in the event that the school and boarding school are located in the same building or in adjacent buildings. In fact, in this circumstance, any transition to distance education would not bring any benefit to public health, since the students live a few meters from the classrooms.
  • Students forced to go to school at the hospital.
  • Students engaged in projects of homeschooling.
  • Adult learners whose education is achieved through i Provincial educational centers. Also for these it is possible to maintain face-to-face teaching, except for 20% of the number of hours to be done remotely.
  • For activities in schools with prisonsIn particular with regard to juvenile sections, the right to education must be guaranteed, according to the modalities agreed with the directors of the penitentiaries.

