Editorial Board
06 November 2020 12:12
It’s possible to do visits to relatives? Today, Friday, November 6, the new Dpcm enters into force, dividing Italy into three areas according to the level of risk linked to the coronavirus epidemic. It is a decree that contains in itself many questions that concern the daily life of citizens: but some rules are incomprehensible and contradictory, as we explained. who, and awaits an interpretive circular from the Ministry of the Interior.
The new Dpcm and family visits
In Dpcm text, which provides specific and differentiated restrictions for the red, orange and yellow areas, there is no explicit reference to visits to relatives. However, he says, it is still “highly recommended” throughout the country “not to receive” people who are not living together “in private homes, except for work needs or situations of need and urgency.” This indication It was already contained in the previous Dpcm of last October 24.
Therefore, is it possible to visit relatives? Let’s clarify, pending an interpretative circular from the Ministry of the Interior. In the red zones (Valle d’Aosta, Lombardy, Piedmont and Calabria) only in case of need, as there are strong travel restrictions. Mobility is prohibited not only between regions, but also within the municipality itself, unless there are proven work needs, situations of need or for health reasons. To leave home, therefore, you need a self-certification.
Zone-by-zone rules on family visits
In the orange areas (Puglia and Sicily), however, circulation is allowed within a municipality, but it is not possible to leave the municipality of residence, domicile or home unless there are work needs, situations of need or proven reasons. of health. The same goes for entering or leaving the region. Therefore, if it is not necessary to visit a family member, there is the “strong recommendation” not to meet with him.
In the yellow zones (Veneto, Trentino Alto-Adige, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Liguria, Toscana, Emilia-Romagna, Umbria, Sardinia, Lazio, Marche, Molise, Abruzzo, Campania and Basilicata), the new anti-Covid restrictions envisaged by the Dpcm are “softer” than expected in the red and orange areas. It is possible to move from one municipality to another and from one yellow region to another. Regarding visits to relatives, the “strong recommendation” of not making them is maintained.
In any case, throughout Italy with the curfew there is a ban on mobility from 22.00 to 17.00 except for reasons of necessity, work or health: at night, beyond the specific restrictions in the different areas, travel must always be justified.