that’s why it could become the orange zone


From the yellow to the orange zone: the passage to Tuscany can be short. Very short. In fact, in the next few days the data examined by the monitoring carried out by the Scientific Committee will be updated (based on the trend of the epidemic between October 19 and 25) and if it appears that the growth curve detected between October 26 October and November 1, what is more worrying, as it seems that in reality it may be, new measures could be activated for other regions. Among these also Tuscany, which runs the risk of the so-called “soft” blockade.

To run the greatest risks in this situation, explains Today, they are Veneto and Liguria: “according to the Rt contagion index that is between 1.25 and 1.50 in those territories and the risk defined as ‘high’ according to 21 indicators of monitoring by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and the Ministry of Health validated by the Scientific Technical Committee, Veneto and Liguria should have already been included in the orange zone, as well as Puglia and Sicily “. Not only that: Tuscany and Campania would find themselves in the same situation.

But what would happen to Arezzo and the other Tuscan cities if this change really happened? In the orange zone – in addition to provisions such as curfews, valid throughout the national territory – “Any movement in and out of the Regions is prohibited, except movements motivated by proven labor needs or situations of need or for health reasons”; “bars, restaurants, discos, pubs, ice cream parlors and pastry shops” am “Always closed, but they can continue to sell take-out food (until 10pm) or deliver it to your home”; always in the orange and red zones the stores are “closed, except for the sale of food and basic necessities, both in the context of neighborhood businesses and in the medium and large-scale retail sector, even in shopping centers even the markets are “closed, except for activities for the sale of food only”.

The possibility of staying in the yellow zone is, therefore, linked to the data collected in the week that will be the subject of the next CTS monitoring. Meanwhile, currently there have been 2,273 new cases and 25 deaths in Tuscany. With new cases on the rise but deaths on a sharp decline: yesterday there were actually 43.
