November 6, 2020

Carlo Conti was hospitalized in the hospital for Covid. The driver, who had tested positive in recent days, was admitted to the Careggi hospital in Florence, in the infectious diseases department. To reveal it is Repubblica, according to which Conti’s health conditions have worsened, so much so that “they have been judged no longer compatible with isolation at home.” However, from the first information it appears that the presenter of Such and such a show it is not serious, although “in the last hours the symptoms of the virus have recommended hospitalization.”
Rai confirms the news, which in a note announced that Carlo Conti “is followed by doctors and is recovering quickly while waiting to return to television.” The driver, despite the positivity of the Coronavirus, had managed to lead from home Such and such a show, intervening in the connection and writing a television piece. Later, however, his state of health worsened with the appearance of symptoms. Conti himself had revealed it his instagram. “Now the symptoms are all (and too many!). But of all drugs, this card is the most powerful, “he explained, posting a photo of a note written by wife Francesca and of son Matteo. His press office later clarified that it was “only the course of those who are dealing with a sneaky virus.”
Then came a reassurance from Carlo Conti, who posted a message on Instagram: “Don’t worry !!! Everything under control, I have been in the hospital for a few days to be better treated for this Covid !!! I am improving thanks to the care of doctors and nurses !!! I will be back soon. “
The next episode of Such and such a show, as announced in recent days, it will be directed by Loretta Goggi, Vincenzo Salemme and Giorgio Panariello, accompanied by Gabriele Cirilli. A few days ago the virus had also caused Mara Maionchi, judge of Italy has talent, while the list of famous people with positive results grows. In addition to Carlo Conti, Gerry Scotti was also affected by the virus, who discovered that he had been infected shortly before recording the episodes of You are worth it.