“It can’t be the virus the terrain of political confrontation“. The tension between the government and the presidents of the Regions in the red zone, despite the high number of infections and the more than 400 dead registered in Italy yesterday. For this the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, intervening in the Chamber, reiterated his call for greater institutional compactness at a very delicate moment. It is necessary, he said, that the authorities collaborate to face the pandemic and, in the first place, because “the figures that continue to increase dramatically every day” represent “people of flesh and blood“The virus, added the minister,” does not give us time, if we do not counteract it properly it spreads. In just three weeks in October we passed 20 thousand infected, we cannot have uncertainties but move with determination. No one with government responsibilities can avoid this need. The government has fully assumed its responsibility. For me it is not a merit, but a duty “. Shortly before, the Prime Minister had also spoken Giuseppe Conte and had responded to complaints of alleged sanctions by the Lombardy: “The virus is a train that runs, today we need more speed bumps”, otherwise “this train is coming over us”, he declared at the gastronomic festival of Corriere della Sera. “We are not going to slap anyone. There is no deliberate will to penalize someone ”.
Conte: “Today the Council of Ministers approves the measures of the Ristori bis dl” – In the last hours, the center-right front and in particular the presidents of the Region of Lombardy, Calabria and Piedmont. Protests that continue despite the high number of infections with Lombardy that exceeded 8 thousand cases in 24 hours. “With these measures that we have introduced, with this plan that we are carrying out, we are sure that the restrictions will be limited to a few weeks,” said the premier today speaking at the gastronomic festival. “If we manage to contain the contagion, we can face the weeks that await us with a margin of serenity. However, today we are not creating a deliberate will to penalize areas at the expense of others. The obligation of a mask was a first speed bump, then we introduced a second and a third but we realized that the virus train does not slow down. It’s a sacrificehowever, we want it to be as contained as possible in space-time. And if we didn’t intervene, the economic damage would be much worse ”.
Conte also announced that the Council of Ministers and the measures of the soft drinks dl bis. “There will be an ad hoc fund to put resources in case of variations between the yellow, orange and red zones,” he said. In the snack dl bis then “there is the 60% tax credit (on income, ed.) of September, October, November, December, the deduction for employees and the deferral of payments for those who have NIA ”, the synthetic reliability indices. As you may have seen, we realized that the sodas launched were modest and we have doubled, multiplied. Those who have already received contributions can duplicate them. For example: a small restaurant that in the previous closing had received € 2,600 recovers € 5,200. We have multiplied the non-refundable contributions and, compared to our resolutions, a couple of weeks are enough for the Treasury to credit the funds in checking accounts. “And, he added:” An intervention on the VAT so dry, at 4%, foresees an exposure to excessive spending, I see it complicated. I see a restructuring of VAT as part of a more comprehensive tax reform “:
Conte, during his speech, also responded to chef Bottura’s perplexities: “We have to create a protective belt by the State to face these weeks. I understand that this does not alleviate the suffering, the discomfort, I could even say psychological. But, Chef Bottura, we must look into each other’s eyes and say: if the train is running, can we keep open the activities that encourage people to gather? ”. Finally, the premier spoke about what awaits us for next Christmas: “I never said we would hug at Christmas, we are going to celebrate but restarting consumption at Christmas is much more useful for the entire national economy ”.