DPCM, disabled students in the presence of a support teacher in an empty classroom. The Ministry clarifies with a note



The school as a place of integration and reduction of distances has been questioned by Covid-19; it is clear that all order has been subverted and that the school community has been involved in a vortex that seems to have no end. If this time it is the colors that differentiate the epidemiological status of each region, the schools are directly influenced by it, so face-to-face teaching is replaced by DAD or DID and where schools continue to remain open, everyone is obliged. that the students wear masks, in a place defined as safe and that “must be the last to close.”

The feeling of disorientation reigns supreme, combined with the consternation for everything that is happening and the teachers are forced to live situations that in some cases appear as paradoxes. We report the testimony of a teacher:

As a curricular teacher I have the obligation to go to school, I enter the classroom, I connect to the PC to explain my lesson to the students who are at home, meanwhile the disabled child stays in a corner alone, without companions, without anyone, many Sometimes the support teacher is not even there (many in quarantine, others sick or positive for covid). His eyes are dull, sad, marginalized, he certainly would like to communicate with his colleagues, but he remains all the time alone at his desk waiting for someone who can support him in this complex world. My lesson must last at least 45 minutes so I am not allowed to get distracted, I have to question online, explain, do exercises … however my thoughts go there, to the only child excluded from the online lesson, unable to participate in the presence without a mediator. Ultimately, his is a presence-absence in the classroom, which contrasts with all the principles of true inclusion, respect and the life project.”.

The teacher in the school together with the disabled student and the class in DAD

The aforementioned testimony relates one of the scenarios that were opened as a result of the 1934 MI circular, dated October 26, which states:

“The educational institutions remain open, and in the presence, in the educational institution, the teaching staff and the ATA work, except in the cases provided for in paragraph 2, (teaching staff and ATA in quarantine with active surveillance or in fiduciary home isolation) “.

In our article “Integrated digital education: do teachers have to work from school or can they also connect from home?”, We analyze the question, however, it is common opinion that this is a more discriminatory attitude towards teachers at the same time in where all sectors of work are advised to work at smart work, without leaving aside the gratuitous accusations of those who still regard teachers as having three months of vacation with guaranteed salary ”.

The reference to the presence-absence of students with disabilities in the classroom, while their classmates are at home, brings to light a reality that has occurred in many schools, especially in Campania where the ordinance of last October 20 reiterated the closure of all orders and grades, but open to projects aimed at face-to-face teaching of autistic and / or disabled children. Supporting students with severe disabilities is undoubtedly the main objective of every school, but this initiative has been much discussed by experts and teachers who have read it as a reminder of differential classes.

Differential classes return?

Special schools and differentiated classes were created in the 1960s, with the goal of bringing together all students with physical, mental, or learning and social disabilities. They were later repealed with Law 517 of 1977, which included disabled students in common classes and also gave life to the role of the support teacher, as a mediator of the integration process of the disabled student.

Over the years, the school in its heterogeneity has developed the process of integration of the students, to which prof. Dario Ianes (Professor of special pedagogy and special didactics Free University of Bozen-Bolzano): “An inclusive school needs more” normal “teachers in co-presence, functional staff and” peer tutors “, specialized itinerant teachers who specifically help curricular colleagues. In this way, all the teaching staff would become the true protagonist responsible for integration, without delegating it to anyone ”.

The student with disabilities must be able to compare and interact with their peers but also with all their teachers and the mentality that the student with disabilities is only the student of the supporting teacher must be overcome, otherwise the process of inclusion and integration to which you are entitled.

To resolve doubts, the note of the Ministry of Education of November 5, 2020 on the provisions of the new Decree of the Prime Minister in which it is communicated that:

On the subject of school inclusion for all contexts where DDI activities take place, the DPCM, recalling the fundamental principle of guaranteeing the attendance of students with disabilities, clearly marks the need for such activities to be present to achieve school inclusion. “Effective” and not just formal, aimed at “maintaining an educational relationship that achieves effective school inclusion.” The school administrators, together with the teachers of the classes in question and the support teachers, together with the families, will favor the attendance of the student with disabilities, in accordance with the IEP, as part of the participation also, when possible , of a students of the reference class, which can vary in composition or remain unchanged, in such a way that the interpersonal relationship fundamental for the development of an effective and profitable inclusion is constantly ensured, in the interest of the students. The same educational communities will also evaluate the possibility of activating measures to guarantee attendance in the presence of students with other special educational needs, if such measures are really decisive for the achievement of the learning objectives by the students involved; likewise, similar measures can also be considered with reference to situations of “digital divide” that cannot otherwise be resolved. “

Therefore an opportunity, a closeness to the school in a broad sense and to the school community conditioned to difficult situations. Last but not least, the connection with the family is influencing, so that each situation is independent, it cannot be locked into a recipe.

Then there are other contingent situations for which teaching continues face to face, so it is up to the individual school to find the right balance between all the needs and possibilities it can offer.

New DPCM, these are the situations in which teaching continues in person

The note of the Ministry of November 5, 2020

