With the division of Italy into zones Red, orange me yellow prohibitions increase and, therefore, also the risks of fines. Starts from curfew: Forbidden to go out after 10pm. Those who do not have a valid reason to drive may come across one fine of 280 euros, which can reach 560 in case of relapse. The form forself certification has not changed, it will have to be downloaded from the website of the Ministry of the Interior and refers mainly to work, health and need to return home. In this case, the decree of the new Prime Minister does not differentiate between the areas of greatest risk and the others. The ban applies to the entire country of driving after 10 p.m. and affects the entire country.
New Dpcm, here are the 21 criteria used to establish the “color” of the regions
Curfew from 10pm. What can and cannot be done from sports to going out with the dog
Anyone who has forgotten self-certification and is detained can fill out the document in the presence of the agents. The prohibitions listed by the rules are a dozen. But the most serious consequences are yet to come for those who, subjected to isolation or quarantine, leave home.
In case of violation of the quarantine, a criminal complaint is planned with an arrest of three to eighteen months 18 months, to which is added the fine that can range between 500 and 5,000 euros, but the most serious charge of culpable crime against public health could also be challenged ( Article 452 of the Penal Code).
Outside of the red and orange zones, where the lockdown of bars, restaurants and shops is foreseen, in the yellow zone, which includes Lazio, public places may remain open until 6:00 p.m., while 10 p.m. is the fixed period . to carry out. However, there are still no limits for home delivery of food. Bars and restaurants, as well as shops, must carry a sign that specifies the maximum number of people admitted to the premises at the same time, in accordance with the protocols of the current guidelines. Maximum 4 at the table and it is forbidden to stand in front of the premises.
The mask it can only be removed by eating or drinking. Both citizens and administrators must comply with the rules. The fines are always the same, reduced for both, with respect to the first containment measures: therefore between 280 and 560 euros. But restaurateurs, in case of infringement, risk closing up to five days. And the sanctions can also affect those who, near the “non-cohabitants” do not wear a mask, who do not respect the minimum social distance of one meter, which, in the case of those who practice sports, has been increased to two meters. The prohibition of “individual contact” and team sports competitions.
There are no penalties for non-compliance with the “recommendations” contained in the provision. Starting by moving from one region to another in the yellow area. And, although mobility in public transport has been reduced, the suggestion of not traveling in public or private means of transport, except for reasons of work, study, health, situations of need or to carry out activities or take advantage of non-suspended services. On the other hand, parties are still prohibited and there is still an invitation not to receive people who are not part of your family at home. However, it is forbidden to exceed the number of six. In any case, it is strongly recommended to wear a mask in case of visits.
Second houses, can I go there? Red-orange-yellow regions, here are the new rules
Italy divided into three. Three areas with different measures implemented by the government to try to contain the Covid-19 infection. But in the last dpcm, how are movements to reach second homes regulated? Can you spend the weekend outdoors if you have a house by the sea or in the mountains?
Last update: November 6 at 02:21