Millions of minks will be killed: alarm comes from Denmark for a mutant corona virus


The slaughter has already begun and three million animals have been slaughtered. All because Danish Prime Minister Mett Frederiksn has raised the mink alarm: all the specimens present in the country must be slaughtered immediately, some 15-17 million.

This was announced referring to a study by the government agency ‘Staten Serum Institut’ that has identified a new mutation of the coronavirus in mink that has already spread to humans and that could jeopardize the efficacy of the future vaccine as well.

Danish media reported this, underlining that 12 people are already infected with the new variation of the virus and 207 mink farms infected. That is, it would be a case of “reverse zoonosis”, with the Covid virus that would be transmitted by mink positive men, and then it would circulate again in humans in a potentially mutated form (and therefore no longer covered by a hypothetical future vaccine based in antibodies of the first viral strain).

Employees of the Food and Veterinary Administration and the Danish Emergency Management Agency, wearing protective gear, have already started slaughtering minks in Gjol, North Jutland, where mink farms have been hit the hardest. among the 1,100 present in the national territory. . “We are aware of reports from Denmark about a number of people infected with the mink coronavirus, such as some genetic modifications in the virus. We are in contact with the Danish authorities for more information,” reports the WHO in a tweet.

The World Health Organization is right to follow the story: there are hundreds of countries in the world where there are mink fur farms. Including Italy where there are hundreds of these farms, especially in the Po Valley.
