The phrase that reveals what will happen “I do not think about Christmas dinners”


Maybe the situation is not as abrupt as it is Giuseppe Conte imagined about ten days ago. It was on October 25 that the prime minister arrived at a press conference to announce another Dpcm to the nation with new restrictions to be put in place to curb the coronavirus race. The prime minister was, after all, reassuring: in November “we will suffer a little‘” with hope “breathe in december” In view of Christmas.

The reverse side of Conte

Well, this hope evaporated like snow in the sun during the presentation of the last Dpcm. Conte put out his hands to cushion the falls: “They ask me if I am optimistic. I’m not thinking of parties, Christmas dinners, dinners, dances. But if we get to Christmas with a certain degree of serenity, consumer confidence can also benefit“The prime minister tried to lower his tone, probably aware that he had instilled excessive doses of unreality in the minds of the citizens. They already imagined a vaccine ready for the end of the year and a merry Christmas.

From the control room a kind of general warning. If at first, despite a thousand variables and uncertainties related to the virus, Conte believed (or rather: hoped) to arrive at the Christmas holidays surrounded by a more relaxed atmosphere, now the paradigm has changed. The main goal of the government remains to ensure a peaceful Christmas for Italians. But a new keyword has emerged on the horizon: consumption.

The markets believe in what we do, they trust us. It is clear that if we can approach this new phase with some expenses also we would like to pay it in terms of consumption during the Christmas period“, said the premier. Ultimately, the executive has”prepared a difficult moment“by”face the Christmas period with serenity“.

However, the speech is more complex than one might imagine. It is Conte himself, going into details, who explains a couple more concepts: “I’m not thinking of Christmas with balls pricesand hugs between friends, but if we arrive with some serenity, consumer confidence will not depress and the economy will benefitAnyway, except for miracles, forget about spending the classic Christmas as if nothing had happened. The important thing, however, for the government is to arrive at December 25 calm for the descent of the contagion curve and with the desire to do the ‘economy.

Expert opinion

Deep down, experts substantially confirm Conte’s words. For the epidemiologist Pier luigi lopalco Christmas 2020 will acquire different connotations. “If I think about our beautiful southern families, with 20 people at the table, I see it difficult. The criterion is that our sociability must be enclosed in a space of 6-7 people.“he explained to the broadcast A day of the sheep its Radio Rai 1.

Massimo galli he went even further, wondering if the new Dpcm isn’t late and “prelude to something more decisive and even more marked“In any case, if in these three weeks we will see an initial reduction in infections.”maybe we don’t play for christmas“explained the head of the department of infectious diseases of the Sacco hospital in Milan, speaking at the Forum of the Health System in Florence. Attention, however, because for Galli a change of mentality is needed:”Living with the virus does not mean doing what you did before, it means respecting a series of rules that are also very annoying. It is the case of making a program and introjecting it immediately“.
