the other four regions towards the “soft” block


Editorial Board
November 05, 2020 5:41 am

Although the Presidents of the Region attack the new Dpcm that divides Italy into red, orange and yellow zones (or areas) already in the coming days, there is a risk that some areas of Italy will enter a “soft” lockdown. This is because, as the presidents also affirmed yesterday after Conte’s announcement, inserting the six Regions in the red and orange zones (respectively: Calabria, Lombardy, Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta on the one hand, Puglia and Sicily on the other. ) last Friday’s tracking was used, based on data from October 19-25.

Not over: the next regions at risk of “soft” lockdown

Soon, however, the numbers from that monitoring will be updated with the new data and this could lead to other regions in “soft” or “soft” lockdown, depending on the neologism in use. The biggest risks, explains today Republic After the same question had also been raised in recent days, there are Veneto and Liguria, who yesterday held talks at all levels with the government. Based on the Rt contagion index that is between 1.25 and 1.50 in these territories and the risk defined as “high” based on the 21 monitoring indicators of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and the Ministry of Health validated by the Committee. Scientific technician, Veneto and Liguria should have already been included in the orange zone, as well as Puglia and Sicily.

But that definition of risk was due to the still incomplete data, and therefore, according to the Control Room, “considering the imminent reassessment of risk on updated data from the week of October 26 to November 1, 2020, it is believed that special attention should be paid to these. ” Regions for an updated and accurate definition of the level of risk “.

So, if the numbers for the week following the decisions have worsened, Veneto and Liguria could end up in the orange zone alongside Puglia and Sicily. Not only that: Tuscany and Campania have the same problem and the list does not end there. What are the differences between going from yellow to orange? There are the same rules and some important differentiations. In all these areas -. and, therefore, throughout Italy: there is a curfew from 10 pm to 5 pm, except in movements motivated by proven work needs, situations of need or for health reasons.

New Dpcm and regional blockade: “Putting in the red zone without our knowledge is a slap in the face to the public”

In the yellow zone, travel outside the Region is also allowed, as long as the neighboring Regions are in the same moderate risk zone. In any case, it is strongly recommended that all natural persons, throughout the day, do not travel by public or private transport, except for work or study needs, for health reasons, for situations of need or to carry out activities or use non-services. suspended “.

Soon four regions from the yellow zone to the orange zone

Public transport capacity is reduced by half to 50% and museums, exhibitions, gambling corners and bingo (in bars and tobacconists) are closed. In the yellow and orange areas “the shopping centers (are) closed on holidays and before the holidays, but the food stores, pharmacies, parapharmacies and kiosks located inside will remain open” and there is “distance education in 100% for all upper secondary and third grade secondary school students “; apart of this:

  • in the orange zone, “all movement into and out of the Regions is prohibited, except movements motivated by proven labor needs or situations of need or for health reasons”;
  • in the orange and red areas “bars, restaurants, discos, pubs, ice cream parlors and pastry shops” are “always closed, but they can continue to sell take-out (until 10pm) or deliver it to your home”;
  • always in the orange and red areas the stores are “closed, except for the sale of food and basic necessities, both in the neighborhood stores and in the medium and large distribution, also included in the shopping centers;
  • even markets are “closed, except for activities for the sale of food only”;

Meanwhile, the Civil Protection bulletin yesterday reported 30,558 new positive coronavirus cases and 352 deaths. The most affected region continues to be Lombardy with 7,758 new positives, followed by Campania and Piedmont, which set their absolute record: in Campania + 4,181 cases, in Piedmont +3,577. Over two thousand positives are Veneto (+2,436) and Lazio (+2,432) and Sicily confirms the increase over a thousand (+1,155,) There are no victims only in Molise and Basilicata, while the regions with the most deaths are Lombardy (+96), Tuscany (+43) and Lazio (+34).

The coronavirus will last until 2021

But how long are you likely to stay in this situation? Giuseppe Ippolito, scientific director of the “Spallanzani” of Rome, as well as a member of the technical scientific committee (Cts), says today in an interview with Corriere della Sera that “we will have to face this pandemic at least throughout 2021. The measures implemented are the only weapons we have to contain it. But you have to apply them well and you need everyone’s collaboration ”. Then there is the question of the vaccine: “We still know little about Sars-CoV-2. We have seen that it tends not to mutate and this could be positive in terms of the vaccine, but 10 months is too short to exclude that significant mutations can take hold. in the future. The same happens with immunity. To date there are few cases of reinfection, but we cannot exclude that the immunity acquired after infection may be exhausted in a few months “.

Vittorio De Micheli, Milan Ats medical director, says instead that the Lombardy shutdown is late and should have been done two weeks ago: “The regional RT considered, which is the last one we examined in the control room, is 2.01. So Lombardy is part of scenario 4, one in which the value is mostly significantly higher than 1.5. Beyond the technicalities, a scenario of this type, according to the indications of the Higher Institute of Health, “could quickly lead to a high number of cases and clear signs of overload of care services, without the possibility of tracing the origin of new cases “”.

In an interview with La Stampa also for Nino Cartabellotta, president of the Gimbe Foundation, the squeeze comes late but for all of Italy: “The epidemic could have been contained and managed better. It was necessary to foresee that the second wave would bring other problems, also because now summer does not await us like in March. Only the total blockade reduces the contagion curve by 50 percent in a month. The government always intervenes in the figures dating from 15 days ago and resigns itself to the persecution of the virus. measures seem insufficient to bend the curve. ”
