“Whoever closes his eyes today will have to block everything during the Christmas period”


The government’s decisions to divide Italy into epidemiological zones have created completely predictable problems. I remain convinced of the need for unitary national measures, even more rigorous, for more effective action to combat Covid, in the face of a substantially homogeneous spread of the infection. As far as we are concerned, any attitude of self-comfort and relaxation would be out of place. The situation is dire. And now there is the risk of a paradox: that whoever is in the red or orange zone will reopen all activities in a month, having stopped the contagion; and whoever closes their eyes today will have to block everything during the Christmas period“So on a note the Governor of Campania Vincenzo De Luca commented on the new measures to combat the contagion of Covid-19 contained in the new Dpcm and illustrated on Wednesday night by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte.

It should be clear that the behavior of fellow citizens will be decisive from now on. The infection will not go away on its own. And the risk of having dramatic situations is just around the corner. Irresponsible behaviors, still very present in our territories, run the risk of putting everything in danger and exploding two decisive data for us, which we are defending with the extraordinary commitment of all health personnel: a limited presence in intensive care and a number of limited number of people who lose their lives relative to the resident population“added the number one Palazzo Santa Lucia.

I have said, and I repeat, that we must consider ourselves the most exposed reality, and that we must take the necessary measures before others, and with more rigor. I invite the mayors to arrange the closure of the promenade and part of the historical centers on weekends starting today. We cannot tolerate that there are, in this situation, thousands of people who go out for a walk like nothing. Invitation to prepare control and sanction activities for those who still run without a mask today. Finally, I urge the Government to decide on immediate parental leave or babysitter allowances for mothers who take care of younger children. For the rest, we are waiting to see and evaluate the economic relief measures announced by the Government, clarifying immediately that the extension of the ordinary payment periods and VAT withholdings can only be a general measure.De Luca concluded.
